Part 14

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I look away very quickly. The last thing I need is for her to get the wrong impression. She already doesn't like me.

I still couldn't believe that he's actually with her. He knows I can't stand her. How could he?

I throw a quick glance at them once more. They're playing in the water together. I look away quickly, trying hard not to stare.

"We should go say hi to them," Zach says suddenly. My eyes widen.

"Um, no thanks. I don't really like her," I say awkwardly.

"What about him?"

"We're not exactly on good terms at the moment," I muttered.

"That's fine; we don't have to if you don't want to."

"Oh good, 'cause I didn't really want to."

"Okay," he pauses thinking. "Let's go over there then," he says pointing in another direction.

"Okay," I mumble, following Zach. He leads me to the water, far away from them.

As we're walking, I secretly hoped he'll grab my hand again. I got my hopes up, he didn't grab my hand anymore.

"Can you hold Dean for me?" I ask, while handing him Dean.

"Yeah, sure," he mutters, grabbing him from my arms. I frown. Why is he acting like this?

"Zach, are you okay?"

He answers with a question. "Why would something be wrong?" He sounded kind of irritated.

I hesitate. "Because we saw him and her—" He cuts me off.

"It doesn't matter." I get taken back. My voice goes soft.

"Yeah. I know but—" he cuts me off. Again.

"Look, can you just hurry up, Olivia? Go to the water, play, and have fun so we can leave already," he spits out. I feel my face fall. He looks up quickly. "I-I am so sorry. I d-did not mean to say th—" I cut him off this time.

"Forget it. You're right. We should go, Zach," I say, my face serious and hard.

"Olivia..." His face looks sorry and his eyes go soft.

I grab Dean from his arms. "I'll meet you in the car." I walk away from him.

I hear a tiny, "okay," as I walk past him.

I speed walk my way to the bridge to leave the beach. He thinks I'm taking up his precious time, fine. I won't waste any more of his time.

As I'm walking, I look around the beach and that's when I see him again. This time he sees me. We make eye contact for a long second until I look away.

I go through all the people and find my way to Zach's car. I wait there impatiently.

From the distance, I see Zach walking over here. I hear the car unlock and I open the door, sitting down.

I put my seatbelt on and I wait. Zach enters the car a little while after I did.

He puts his seatbelt on and just sits there, staring straight ahead.

I look down at my phone and go on Instagram. I see from my side that Zach turns to look at me.

"Are we gonna talk about this?" he asks suddenly, still looking at me.

I look up but, not at him; I look forward, watching pedestrians pass by. "There's nothing to talk about," I say, holding in my tears.

"Olivia. C'mon, don't be like that. Please."

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