Part 24

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"Zach spent the night yesterday," I say to Harley while blushing. School's finally over and we decided to hang out together, just the two of us. No boyfriends allowed.

She perks. "No way. For real? He did?" she asks wide-eyed. We both walk into the parking lot and towards the mustang.

I nod my head. "Yeah," I say getting into the car after she unlocks it.

Harley gets in soon after I do and chuckles. "Anything happen?" she asks while smirking.

My eyebrows furrow. "Like what?" I ask confused. She wiggles her eyebrows at me, getting me to understand what she meant. My eyes widen. "Ohh. No. Never," I say awkwardly.

She lets out a laugh. "I meant if anything romantic happened," Harley plays off.

"Mhm, sure," I say laughing. I look at the floor of the car and replay last night's events in my head. A smile spreads across my face and I turn to Harley saying, "Now that you mention it... the whole night was romantic."

She looks at me and smiles. "Aw, it's like you're in love with him," she comments.

I step out of my daze and turn to face her. "Huh— what? No. I'm n-not in l-love with him," I stammer.

She smirks. "Not yet." She turns on the car and drives out of the school, towards her house. "Anyways, how'd you even escape Zach?" she asks me, looking out into the road as she drives.

I smile to myself. "I told him to pick me up at my house. Plus, we did spend all last night and all day together... a few hours apart won't be so bad," I say.

She nods, still looking at the road so we don't crash. "Hm. And he actually agreed?"

"Yeah." I blush. Lately, Zach's been a little clingy, never wanting to be away from me. Who knew I'd like a clingy boyfriend?

"Really?" she asks shocked. "Even though he doesn't like to be away from you? And likes to be clingy towards you?"

I make a face. "He's clingy to a certain extent, Harley," I say in a somewhat calm tone. "Plus, he barely started acting like this yesterday... and I kind of like it, okay? I don't mind that he likes being with me," I defend.



"So, tell me what really happened last night. Please?" So she's changing the subject? Hmph.

"Honestly... I don't know." I look down and smile to myself, imagining Zach's arms around my waist. "We cuddled all night. That's pretty much it," I answer honestly. Even though I'm slightly irritated, talking about Zach makes me happy.

"Give me details," she demands.

I smile to myself and go back into my daze. "Well... we kissed a lot," I admit blushing. "Oh Harley, his kisses are the best. The kisses we shared last night were amazing, and so.... filled with passion," I say imagining Zach's lips on mine. "His lips are so perfect, and he's so... perfect."

A chuckle escapes Harley's lips. "Yeah, I think you're in love," she says glancing at me and then looking back into the road.

I dismiss this and continue talking about Zach. "Oh, and his arms, they felt so right wrapped around me. Like his arms were custom made just for me to fit in them perfectly. When we cuddled, it felt like I'm the one who belongs in his arms, like they're for me and only me." I blush and replay last night in my head again. I truly loved last night more than any day ever.

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