Pingu's Mother Abandons Him

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Pingu and his mother were getting ready to go out on an excursion together. His mother repeatedly stated that she needed more berries for a berry pie. Pingu's dad felt suspicious, as they already had berries of all kinds, but his beloved insisted on getting more.

Pingu grabbed a wicker basket to fit the berries, and they went on their way. There was an orchard just nearby Pingu's house, but his mom insisted on going to a far-away one because it apparently had fresher fruit and more variety, Pingu questioned nothing, and the family went on their way.

Soon, Pingu arrived to the orchard, and they picked many fruit. Blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pinkberries, blackpinkberries, and more. But suddenly, Pingu's mom said: "Whoops, it's time to go!" and ran to her car, got in before Pingu could, and stepped on the accelerator as Pingu chased her with a horrified look.

Pingu watched his mother drive away as he stood there. He began crying and dropped to his knees. His mother had just abandoned him and he didn't know if she'd ever come back. He was in an orchard in the middle of nowhere and his house was miles away, so he couldn't just walk there.

Pingu picked up his basket and started the trek back to civilization. Back in the house, Pingu's mom arrived and her husband asked where Pingu was. Pingu's ex-mom replied: "He's sleeping in the back seat. It was a very tiring journey and he decided to take a nap." Pingu's dad fell for the lie and decided to have some fun on the couch with his wife.

Back at the orchard, Pingu has walked to a small road where cars usually pass. He saw a truck driving his way, so he stuck out his thumb to hitchhike. The car stopped and the person inside shot him in the leg. Pingu screamed: "You fucker! Aaaah! I hate you!" as the man drove off. Pingu wrapped his wound in bandages, as the bullet only grazed him. He waited for another car, and eventually it came and picked him up.

Back in the house, Pingu's mom was smoking on the couch as her husband was sleeping. She soon realized what she did and shook her beloved awake. She said she wanted to check on Pingu in the car. They left the house wearing towels and saw that Pingu wasn't in the back seat after all. Pingu's mom, faking terror, said: "Oh my god! Honey! He's not there!" and begged her husband to search for their estranged son.

They looked everywhere and posted up flyers, and on the inside, Pingu's mom was truly regretting what she had done. Back at where Pingu is, the driver asked him where he needed to go. Pingu replied: "Near Avalanche Way, the house with the snowman in front." The driver simply nodded. Soon, they pulled into a street Pingu had never been in before. The driver puled Pingu out by the feet and threw him onto the concrete. He said that a woman would meet him shortly.

Soon, a woman arrived and took Pingu's hand, dragging him to a strange place. The woman said: "Your first performance is at 9:00 tomorrow. Get ready, and be sexy." Then Pingu replied, confused: "I'm a man. Why do i have to be sexy?". Then the woman calls the driver, asking why he bought a man to the club. Eventually, the woman kicks Pingu out of the club, leaving him alone. Pingu dejectedly walked away, not knowing what to do.

Eventually, Pingu finds a phone and calls the house phone. Pinga picks up and asks why the hell he's calling. Pingu tries to explain why, but Pinga endlessly argues with him. Pingu tries to speak but Pinga interrupts him by screaming: "BAAAAALLS!" and hanging up, then blocking the number. Pingu tries to call again, and he sees that the number is blocked. Frustrated, he walks away.

Soon, Pingu tries to catch a bus. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the money, so he resorts to selling his body. In just a few hours, he's made it big, but his dignity is destroyed. He hails a bus, and returns to a landmark near his home. He miserably grabs a phone and calls his house. At this point, Pingu's family has given up on finding him, and Pinga says that he called. Pingu's mom runs to the phone and talks to Pingu with tears in her eyes. Pingu's mom drives to the landmark, and they hug.

But then, the landmark crumbles into dust and crushes them to death, right in front of Pinga and her dad.

The end.

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