Pingu's Mom Goes To Rehab

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Pingu was sitting at the dinner table one day, when suddenly a kettle whistled. Many policemen barged in through the door and a drug raid began. The police left no stone unturned, and eventually they found Pingu's mom's opium stash.

Pingu's mom was separated from her kids, and nobody was told where she was going except for rehab. Of course, Pingu had no idea what rehab was, so he thought it was a fun place. He asked to go, but was denied access.

The next few days were hell for Pingu. His dad cried on the daily, his mom was nowhere to be seen, and most importantly, there was nothing to eat that wasn't flavorless mush covered in dad's tears. Everything changed one day when his mom's unattended phone blew up with messages from her drug dealer. She hadn't paid him for days and he knew where she lived.

Pinga showed the messages to her dad and asked: "Who's this creepy guy who's messaging mom?". Her dad instantly said: "Run." and ran to the bedroom to hide under the bed. His kids followed after him and noot long after, the door was kicked in by two deadbeat junkie penguins.

They searched the whole house for Pingu's mom, but found nothing. Pinga almost began to cry, but Pingu shut her up before she could. When the penguins left, the house was totally desecrated. The table was smashed, all the jewels were taken, and the fridge was totally uprooted. Pingu's dad totally snapped, ran to the bedroom, pulled out his gun, and began shooting at Pingu and Pinga.

The siblings ran around the ruined living room, panicking, as they dodged countless bullets. Eventually, Pingu's dad only had one bullet left. He said: "Goodbye, sons." and shot himself in the face. Pinga screamed and Pingu stood there, shocked. Pingu's dad survived, with half his face missing. He crawled around the floor gurgling, until Pinga put him out of his misery with a chair to the skull, or what was left of it.

Soon after, the police arrived because a neighbor called after hearing the gun. The children were taken into custody for fostor care, but soon word cane out that they were druggies as their mother was a druggist. They were kicked out on the streets and they decided to visit the rehab their mother was in. They got an uber using their mother's phone and managed to get it for free due to the driver being a sweet old penguin.

At the rehab, Pinga asked the receptionist to enter. She and her brother were both instantly turned away and kicked out. Soon, Pingu walked in wearing a 50s housewife outfit and said "Yes, I'd like to report a terrible crime." and when the receptionist answered, he lowered his sunglasses and replied with "This one!" and opened his coat, revealing firearms of all kinds. The receptionist screamed as Pingu shot paintballs and confetti everywhere.

Pingu made his way to the main rehab place and saw him mom, who ran to him and hugged him, before screaming and slapping him. Pingu was crushed, and his mom's drug dealers barged in holding Pinga with a knife to her throat. Pingu's mom screams "NOOOOO!", before Pinga's throat is cut open. The rehab was smashed, and Pingu died. THE END.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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