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Then there are angry people
Who claim to read every work there is
On you
And say I never existed.
That I am
The stuff of village folktales.
That because you didn't fill my hair parting
With vermilion
I was never there.

I wonder what makes them
So angry, Krishna.
So aggressive
About proving
My inexistence.

They claim that you went to Mathura
And then Dwaraka
Killed that evil uncle of yours
Married eight beautiful princesses
Became a father
Sang your song in Kurukshetra
And then

All alone.
You lived your life
All alone.
I was not there.
It was only you.
You and you alone.

People these days
Are capable of the incapable.
The world had progressed.
Maybe in your next avatar
You could be an engineer
Make a device, perhaps like spectacles but better
Which makes them
Look at it all

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