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As I was packing I put on 'Long Way Home' by 5sos and then put in my earphones.They're my second favourite band and I couldn't picture myself not loving them. I didn't pack,all my mum has bought me are these Horrible tartan dresses . She is insanely strict and horrible, we have to live that perfect life, I have to be the perfect girl , we all know im not.
.I jump onto my bed and grab my phone before opening up Instagram . I post my edits for 5seconds of summer/1D on my __michaelspony__ account before I go on my personal account and post a picture saying

'Going to see my babies soon I can't wait 😜😜'

Once I've packed and checked all my notifications on my phone I go to the bathroom and twist the bath tap, there's nothing more relaxing than a warm bath. I have ink all over my arms from pens... Let's just say I'm a little addicted to drawing on myself. Finally my bath was completed to my standards and I strip myself before hopping in. I sit playing on my phone for around half an hour then I actually start washing and shaving everything, making sure I look the best for meeting my internet besties and seeing both of my favourite boy bands. I grab my sponge bob towel because sponge bob is my whole life before wrap it around myself. I take my jammies and shove them on just before I made my way down the stairs to go to the living room and watch some movies on Netflix. Today is a sort of rom-com day so I put on this film, I think it was called 'It's a boy girl thing' or It's a girl boy thing' and it was aimed for boys and girls, I think. I'm in the middle of thinking if The boy is hot or not (and trust me this thinking was hurting my brain) when my brother walked in.

The last thing I remember is my brother coming in and then, me, falling into a deep sleep.

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