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Two days. 

Only two days I had been here and already I was dying of hunger and dehydration; I felt bad for everyone there, the people that had to live like this. I made my way up to my works little set up place where other colligues worked, my laptop was already over there so I didn't have to carry anything with me. 

'Oh, shit, Chlo!' My friend Liz exclaimed, she had come for the trip but she was staying in a hotel with food and water. 'You look terrible, you're pale!' I laughed at her exageration. 

'I've only been here for today.' I told her, laughing. 'I can't look that bad!'

'I know but you still look hungry, do you want something?' I shook my head, I'd signed a contract saying I had to live life just like the others that lived over here (minus being allowed to have wi-fi for two hours at the end of the day). 

'No, I'm not aloud.' I told her, she sighed and nodded, 'I just wanted to Skype...'

'Louis?' She asked while smirking, Louis and I skyped for three hours yesterday and it would've got me in trouble but luckily Liz was the one who told me I had to go back to the small village that was suffering starvation. I laughed, trying to hide the blush that was forming on my cheeks. 

'Everyone, actually. He said they where all sleeping at mine so hopefully everyone will be there.' Liz smirked and nodded,

'Okay, no over time today though. If Fred found out we'd both be dead.' I laughed and nodded before going into a little room and grabbing my laptop. I clicked onto Skype, hoping one of them was online; Harry was the only one online but his status was "Chillin at Chloe's house" so I was guessing they where all there. I clicked onto his name and it began to ring, within a matter of seconds everyones face popped onto the screen.

'Chloe!' They all screamed, I laughed and waved. I finally noticed what Liz was talking about; she wasn't egsagerating. My face was litterly pale.

'You look like shit.' Katie told me honestly, I laughed and shrugged,

'Two days with no food can change your appearance.' I told them,

'Sill good looking tho.' Louis chripped, winking and making me blush.  

'Save the flirting till later!' Harry exclaimed, to make things better Liz decided to walk in at that moment.

'Hey Louis!' He called out and joined the chat.

'Hey Liz.' He waved back, 

'No keeping Chloe back from her job today, she has a party to get to!.' I laughed, remembering the bonfire I had been invited to earlier; I wanted to go and had to go. 

'Sorry, not my fault!' He laughd, the others where confused,

'I skyped Louis yesterday and I went an hour overtime.' I told them, they all nodded,

'So that's where he was!' Liam cooed making me laugh, 

'Yeah, she hasn't shut up about you Louis!' Liz jumped in, I looked at her knowing she was lying and just trying to make me embarassed. 

'Lies, I haven't seen you all day!' I exclaimed,

'Yeah but I talked Monica.' She told me and I blushed deeply. Monica was the mother of the family I was staying with; she was very kind and loved how I rambled on about Louis. She told me it was nice to hear about young love or something. 'That was a lie but by the way you're blushing I'm guessing you do talk about him a lot.' 

'Piss off.' I snapped playfully before hading a small shove. She laughd before walking off,

'You don't stup up about him, huh?' Katie asked while smirking, I laughed; trying to hide a blush. 'Don't worry, Louis dosen't shut up about you.' She laughed, Louis' turn to blush.

'Anyway, can we move on now...?' Louis asked, trying to change subject. We all laughd and nodded...

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