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There was a light knock at my door, I looked up,
'Come in.' I called as the door opened, Louis' head popping in.
'Hey, what you doing?' He asked, walking in.
'Work.' I sighed,
'What do you do?' He asked,
'I'm a Journalist and I do some hairdressing.' I told him, he smiled. 'Surprised you're up, it's three in the morning.'
'Yeah, well, they're loud.' He complained, I laughed.
'Tell me about it; I might have to put 'em in a hotel.' Louis laughed, I moved over and patted a spot next to me.
'Come, sit.' He sat down next to me,
'What are you doing your journalism on?' He asked,
'Nosy.' He laughed and shrugged, 'I work for different charity's, so I'll write articles about donating to the charity and stuff like that.'
'Aww, who knew you could be so caring.' Louis joked, I shoved his shoulder back lightly.
'Don't be an ass.' Louis laughed, 'Okay, my turn to ask questions.'
'Okay, ask away!'
'Any question?' I asked,
'Sure.' He smiled,
'Okay... Urmm...' I began to think. 'Penis size?' I asked, trying to keep a serious voice. He looked surprised, shocked even. I let out a laugh, 'I was joking!'
'Ahh, okay. It's to big to be measured though.' I laughed,
'You wish!' Louis pretended to be hurt but couldn't keep his "hurt" face for long as he began to laugh.
'Wait a minute!' He asked, standing up. 'How would you know?!' I laughed and smirked,
'Ahh you see, the power of the internet.' Louis' laughed,
'Of course.' I tugged on his arm, pulling him down next to me once again. 'So, what charity you doing?' He asked, trying to read what was on my laptop.
'Save The Children.' I replied, 'I'm supposed to be flying out to Africa next month but I'm dredging it.' Louis' eyebrows furrowed,
'How come?'
'I just, I've been there before and is horrible; all those kids, I just feel so bad for them; especially when I live in a place like this.' Louis smiled and gave me a hug.
'What?' I asked, confused,
'You care.' I smiled before hugging Louis again. 'Well, I better leave you to your work.' I shook my head.
'No, I can work on it tomorrow.' I smiled, he nodded before settling back down. I placed my laptop on the floor before snuggling up next to Louis. I let out a long lasting yawn before my eyes slowly drifted off to sleep...

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