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As I stepped on the front door step I dropped my suitcases and just breathed a deep breathe in and out. The others' we're looking around.

I opened the door to find my sister Hannah in the kitchen. I ushered the rest into the livingroom and told them to wait, (rude I know) but where the fuck was mum, my other little sister and my big brother Sebastian.

"Hannah?" I slowly walked toward her.

She jumped up and gave me a hug.

"So? Mum? Alisha? Sebastian?" I asked as I took the chocolate milk out the fridge and started to drink straight from the carton.

"Mum's away to a business trip for a couple months," Hannah flipped another page in her magazine.

"What about trouble maker 1 and 2?" I asked.

"Alisha's visiting gran and grandad for a while and Sebastian's away with his friends for a week," she looked at me. "Who the hell are they?"

I took her into the living room.
"Nice place you got here!" Liam politely mentioned.

"It was hard getting this tv to work!" Zayn smirked as he pressed controls on the remote.

I snatched the remote from him and removed his legs from the table.
"Before I take you's to your rooms, I have expectations," I walked as if I were the captain and they were my soldiers.
"Number 1, shoes, coats etc. will always be sorted as that's Kara's job," I pointed, she waved.
"Number 2, your rooms will be cleaned at the end of every week, that too is Kara's job." Kara has cleaned our house for a while now. She started off as just a cleaner but my mum and her are quite good friends now.
"Number 3 treat the house with respect please," I said this with the straightest face, if they smashed, broke or damaged anything my mum would go ape on everyone's asses and they'd be hella scared.
The house is fairly modern and pretty big so I was worried if they wrecked something it'd cost a lot for it to be replaced. My mum who is a lawyer does not like tacky stuff like that.

As I showed them their bedrooms and gave them their rooms they were pleased. I put Chloe in the guest en suite. She deserves it. I put Liam in the room opposite room which was the exact same but the wallpaper was slightly different and the bathroom was adjusted for each sex, boy and girl.
Amber got Hannah's room, same as Chloe's but it had some more of Hannah's things in it.
I put Zayn in Sebastian's room.

"Help yourselves to the food and relax in the lounge," I told them. "Boys, you can go into Sebastian's Bachelor Pad upstairs, it has got as pool table and stupid boy stuff," I added.

I was quite stressed and tired so I went to bed.


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