Chapter 25, Part C: Within These Walls (cont.)

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Edmund understood her intent quite well.  She wanted to wake them all -- even if the energy that would be required might kill her. 

That she would even consider such an idea represented how they fundamentally differed from the other.  She often acted without having thought things through in great depth, often without regard for the consequences.  In contrast, he was careful, methodical and rarely impulsive. 

But Edmund cast aside decorum, pulling at her hand. He knew that there was no true privacy in this parlor, but he guided her to a corner to pretend to admire some portrait. His voice was quiet, not scolding as he spoke. “Tell me what you’re thinking. Why is this important?”

“They’re fearless,” she answered softly.  “They don’t have flesh or blood to be destroyed. They can fight the things we don’t understand without worrying about broken bodies or failed magic.”

Edmund was surprised by her answer. At the very least, it was a pragmatic statement, something along the lines of what he might have concluded himself. But coming from her it seemed unnatural.  “But to encourage the people to allow others to fight for them -- isn’t that idea at odds with what you would wish?”  He was paraphrasing her words now -- she who had told him she wanted him to stop trying to protect her. 

Elanore swallowed.  “No, that would be wrong. I don’t mean to exploit the lions. Nor do I mean to say that the people should rely on others.” She paused, feeling her way around for a better way to explain herself before she started over.  “The lions are different from us.  They are the sort of creatures that were made with great strength -- strength enough to overpower a man like Giles.  And yet they are gentle when needed and happy with so little. They can fight one moment and then play at the end of the day, reminding us about things like friendship and love.”

She blushed slightly as her eyes wandered to the window.  Wistfully, she continued to speak.  “I’d rather have a hundred of those kind monsters fighting alongside me and the people I love than anyone or anything else.” 

Her words kindled hope within him, a hope that he tried to quickly brush away.  “In spite of the risk to you.”

“It’s not the risk to me that I worry about.” She appeared troubled as she considered the situation.  “What of you? They insisted that we do this together.”    

He wondered exactly what the conversation had sounded like between them.  Once before, he had told Elanore that he believed the lions’ meddling with them might have been based on his own wishes and desires. He had said half-seriously that he believed she had been told to kiss him because he had wished it.  But he wondered now if this was more of the same.  “Elanore, you understand that I won’t be bothered if you prefer otherwise.”  

Elanore’s eyes widened for a moment as she studied him.   

“Really!” Mrs. Winchester suddenly exclaimed. “They’re like puppies.”

“Yes, indeed,” Lady Tala concurred.

They both turned about to address the women, wondering exactly what they had done this time to offend the both of them.  Instead, they discovered the ladies standing at the window shaking their heads at the beasts piled atop each other and staring inside the room.

He was startled when he felt Elanore’s arms circling about his waist.  In that one stolen moment of privacy, she spoke honestly.  “No, Edmund. I’ve chosen you.”


Hand in hand, they emerged from the front door to find the snow dancing across the ground, lifted by gusts of wind that came from the sounds of lions shouting.

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