Chapter 1 - Good Morning Sunshine! -_-

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The vivid golden sun of the early morning illuminated the run down country home owned by the Way family. In the early hours of the morning, the place really sparkled, due to Donna Way's infatuation with mirrors, something the rest of the family isn't so keen on. The light bursting in hitting the mirrors like a bullet, reflecting into all dull corners of the building, showing up every single dust particle on each piece of furniture present.

But for the likes of Gerard Way, mornings aren't what are discussed as 'normal' like your average overly cheerful family that thinks there is beauty to everything. The young introverted teen that spends every waking moment in his bedroom, doesn't have much to do with the sun until it's time to leave for school. Only getting 2 hours sleep the night before, after sitting up half the night on Tumblr, isn't as perky as usual. The drowsy young boy pulls himself from his slumber with no effort whatsoever and drags his feet along the floor to the bathroom, where he switches on the shower and gets straight in, not waiting for it to warm up first. The freezing cold water hits his face as he starts scrubbing wildly at his eyes, trying to force them open enough to see clearly without all the sleep in the way, glueing his eyelids shut.

After washing himself down, feeling a little more refreshed and awake now, Gerard climbs out of the shower and dries himself. After securing the feather like cotton towel around his slim waist, he ventures back into his bedroom and picks out clothes for the day ahead.

In the confined space he calls his bedroom, all that could be seen around the little too were his various comic books scattered all over the silky, jet-black carpet and the many damaged posters of his favourite rock stars and bands, most of which were so old and torn, you could only just see who was in each picture. But this was how the 15 year old liked his room; it was where he spent most of his time. Drawing, writing, listening to music that angered his mother. He sighed as he remembered a conversation (or more like a lecture) he had with the older woman a few weeks ago;

"It's not real music!"

"Who would listen to that satanic crap?"

"You should listen to Céline Dion or something, get some decent sound in your system!"

'No thanks mom' was his only reply to things like this, he was used to his mom constantly telling him that he has terrible music taste, so he wasn't bothered by it anymore.

After dressing in his usual attire -black skinny jeans, a band tee and a black hoodie, along with his battered black converse shoes- he made his way to the kitchen, where he found his little brother Mikey, sat at the breakfast bar eating pancakes. Gerard just smiled softly at his younger sibling and went to make his usual morning coffee. As his brother says, you gotta choose your poisons, and coffee was his and Mikey's poison. Coffee is far better than alcohol, Gerard was the sort of boy that would stand in the middle of a crowd at a party holding Starbucks, despite everyone around him with vodka in their hands; it was his party poison.

'Party poison... That sounds kinda cool...' he thought, scribbling the phrase onto a post-it note from his school bag and shoving the note in his pocket. After finishing his coffee and waiting for his slow-poke brother to get ready, the brothers left for school. Awaiting the unforgettable events that would take place that day.

New Beginnings -Frerard-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora