Chapter 4 - Haters to the left<<

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Once Frank and Gerard reached the lonely park, they sat on the swings with chipped paint and graffiti all over it. This place clearly wasn't visited very often, people were too scared of it, it was in Belleville after all. The boys threw their bags to the side and swung gently for a few minutes in a comfortable silence, while Gerard studied Frank's features as he took off his little red waterproof jacket.

Frank was more masculine looking than Gerard, he had a little bit of muscle on his arms and torso, a few tattoos and a lip piercing, he also had stretched ears but they weren't very big; also if you looked at him in the right angle, you could see the marking of a nose piercing, but nothing was attached.

"So tell me about yourself then, Gerard. Any hobbies? talents? guilty pleasures?" He giggled

"I can draw, alright I guess, and I love coffee far too much! What about you Frankie?"

"You just called me Frankie?" Gerard nodded and then chuckled at Frank who was now grinning like a madman. "I play guitar, that about it, I'm not interesting at all!" Frank smiled, then looked up at Gerard "Do you wanna go back to mine, it's only round the corner. My mom gave up giving a shit about me skipping school." He suggested, and they both got up and proceeded to stroll out of the park gates.

After they reached Frank's little house round the block, they entered and went straight upstairs, Frank greeting his mother like it was a normal ritual for him. "Can we chat some more, I like talking to you... I've never really had a friend before." Gerard dropped his head, kind of embarrassed.

Frank wrapped his arm around Gerard's shoulders and pulled him into a hug "I'm sorry Gerard. I was like that at my old school, except I had friends at first, but they all left because they decided they didn't like my personality." Gerard looked up from Frank's shoulder quizzically, so Frank continued "I love hugs. I'm a very touchy kind of guy, I like contact with people, always have done, but when we got older people started taking it the wrong way. All my 'friends' didn't want to be seen with the 'gay boy'. I got beat up, shut in lockers and stuff, I wouldn't go back there, so my mom changed my school."

After Frank had finished sharing his story, Gerard was almost in tears again as he tried to reply. "they do the same to me, but in my case, the rumours... are true..." Gerard spilled out, not even caring anymore, everyone else knew, and if Frank didn't like it, then he could run away before the pair got too close.

Frank looked into Gerard's glassy eyes. "I'm fine with it Gee, don't look so scared, it just gives me more of an excuse to cuddle you! If your okay with that...?" Gerard grinned wildly at the nickname and nodded.

Frank continued "I think I'm bisexual, I kinda like both, but I've never had too much to do with either gender. I like girls but I can't deny that boys are really fucking sexy!" They both burst out laughing at Frank's enthusiasm, until Frank snaked his arm round Gerard's waist and pulled him closer, embracing him in a warm hug in the middle of the living room.

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