Chapter 2 - That'll leave a mark...

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The 20 minute journey from to school was bubbly and cheery, despite the topic of conversation between the two brothers being mainly about school, which they were madly dreading, they still managed to keep each other smiling. The short journey passed in a flash and the two teens approached the boring brick building, with a tsunami of kids pushing through the gates of the school, or the 'gates of hell' as referred to by Gerard. Mikey was soon called away from his older sibling by his group of friends as soon as they made it an inch inside the iron gates. This was normal for Gerard and he just carried on walking, saying goodbye to his brother and making his way to the lockers.

Getting through the piles of seniors who like to block to doorways wasn't exactly an easy task; if they liked you, you'd get through with no problem, but this wasn't the case for poor Gerard, as mean as it sounds, nobody liked him, he doubted his brother even liked him, just put up with him because he had to. Gerard was envious of his younger brother, Mikey was happy, really happy, and Gerard wasn't. But Gerard didn't let his envy show, or it would cause even more trouble for him.

Just as the older boy was nearing his locker, he was stopped by another senior, by the name of Jack. Jack was one of the popular kids, he had short black hair with blonde streaks all over, he often teamed up with his best friend Alex -who also had short hair, but his was a light brown colour- to beat Gerard up and 'give him what he deserved'. Jack grabbed Gerard's ebony hair, pulling his head back and slamming it into the locker beside him, causing his neck to click.

"Morning fag!" Jack called as he strutted off, seeing Alex leaning on a locker just up the hall, Gerard watched from a distance as Jack wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulders, resting their heads together. Anyone would think they're dating, the way they act around each other. But the weird thing is, they act how they want and no one bats an eye, but Gerard -who's never had a boyfriend- gets called a fag and slandered by homophobes everyday, even though he's never come out as gay. He is gay, but that's not the point.

Trying to ignore the dizzy feeling he started to experience from head banging too close to a locker, he threw his backpack into his locker, and took out his books for first period: maths. As he shut his locker, he felt a light tap on his shoulder; he tensed, expecting another bit from one of the other jocks. But there was no more contact, just a faint voice behind him.

"Excuse me... Could you help me?"

Gerard turned around to see a really short boy, with jet black hair just like his own, except this boy had it shaved and dyed red each side, which actually looked really cool he started to admire this kid's features, he was beautiful! Gerard was lost in thought until this mysterious kid in from of him gasped and shot Gerard a concerned look.

"Your nose is bleeding!" He exclaimed, wide eyed. "Come here!" he told Gerard, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the other end of the corridor, where the toilets were situated. Gerard was shocked at first, not by the small boy's reaction, but by the fact that he was holding his fucking hand and dragging him through the corridor, where people could see them! This kid was clearly new... Or stupid... Or both. Nobody ever touches Gerard Way, let alone properly hold hands with him. Despite his mind fighting against the idea, Gerard followed and gripped the boy's hand tighter. If this was really happening, he wanted to make it worth the even more bullying it would cause. Gerard had never held another boy's hand before, and it excited him!

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