Chapter 3 - Stop crying, lets be rebels

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The strange young boy dragged Gerard to the disabled toilet at the end of the hallway that he'd passed on his way to the locker area, attempting to find his own. Still struck by the whole experience of holding someone's hand, Gerard just followed the short kid to the bathroom, which probably wasn't a good idea, but he wasn't exactly full of ideas at this time, his creative mind was fully occupied by the strong pressure on his left hand.

The mystery kid pulled him into the small room and locked the door behind them both. Finally gaining back his senses, Gerard realised where he was and began to panic at the situation he was in, suddenly scared of the young teen in from of him and what he was capable of, completely forgetting his bleeding and possibly broken nose that was still throbbing. The smaller boy noticed the petrified expression on Gerard's face, and quickly assuring him of his safety and calming him before tending to his face.

"Trust me, I'm not gonna harm you, I'm just gonna clean up your poor nose!" The kid spoke, grabbing a few paper towels and soaking them in warm water from the tap behind him.

"Who are you anyway? And why are you helping me?" Gerard whispered, wincing at the pressure around his cheeks as the blood was washed away.

"I'm Frank, Frank Iero; I'm new. And why wouldn't I help you, you haven't done anything bad to me and you certainly don't deserve getting your face smashed into a locker! I know what it's like, I had a lot of problems involving lockers at my old school..." he replied with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Gerard didn't know if it was the look in Frank's eyes, or the reminder of the mornings events, but he started to cry, hot tears streaming down his face. After Frank had finished cleaning up his nose, he grabbed some tissue and wiped Gerard's eyes. "Please don't cry, I don't like seeing people cry." Gerard took the tissue from him and almost inaudibly, said thank you.

"So what's your name then? Now your not bleeding everywhere."

"Gerard...Way..." he whispered. Frank might be new, but someone could've told him already to stay away from the older Way brother. He was expecting insults to be fired at him, but Frank just smiled.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Frank asked with a smug smile.

"Out of the bathroom or out of the school? Both." Gerard replied matter-of-factly.

"I was thinking both too, let's go. I wanna get to know you!" Frank exclaimed. Gerard shot Frank a perplexed look at the last thing he said, then checked his watch to see if the rest of the school was in class. It would've been more than awkward if someone saw the 'fag' and the newbie come out of the same bathroom together. It would certainly cause problems for Frank, and Gerard wasn't going to let him go through torture on his first day.

"Okay, everyone else should be in class by now, we're safe." He informed Frank, who let out a relieved sigh, knowing just why Gerard told him not to open the door yet. The two boys then marched through the school with their bags over their shoulders and out the front gate, without being spotted once. Frank had clearly done this many times, but Gerard was buzzing with adrenaline, it wasn't very often he did anything bad. Frank just chuckled at his new friend and they carried on walking to the park round the corner from Frank's house, which they were never allowed to go to as kids. But they just didn't care.

New Beginnings -Frerard-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ