Chapter One

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The room spun around and around, my stomach was knotted, and my head throbbed. One minute I was studying for an exam, the next it felt like my body was on fire. My arms and legs were numb, and my vision blurred, the smell of fog and water attacked my sense of smell. A sudden pinch at the back of my neck startled me and then everything stopped. It was black, the smells were gone, and I didn't feel nauseous, but I couldn't move. It was the weirdest feeling, I was conscious, but not awake, I was aware of my thoughts, yet I was unable to open my eyes or use any of my other senses.

"Welcome to the first day of the best four years of your school career!" A strong female voice bellowed, I was able to crack open my right eye. The room was a bright white except for the green chalkboard at the front. I slowly opened my other eye and glanced around the room. There were no decorations at all, not a single picture or map of the U.S. like any normal classroom would have. There were only seven other kids in the room with me and the teacher at the front, it was a small room. "This boarding school may be remote, but we offer many things that keep you in the loop of everything you knew in the outside world." The woman smiled at us, why?

What was this place? How did I get here? Why was I here? I had so many questions and none of them were answered by that woman's speech. Why was no one else freaking out about this? Did they know about this? Did they know they were coming here?

"Great. But there's no cell service so basically, we're still stranded in the middle of nowhere. Not only that, but also surrounded by mountains and a river." The blonde girl in front of me scoffed, she slammed her cell phone down on the desk.

"Ha, right. You just must pretend there's cell service. It should be fine. Right?" The boy to her left chuckled. He seemed amused by the whole situation we were in.

My heart pounded against my chest, I wanted to say something, but my voice was stuck in my throat. I was paralyzed. There was a total of seven other people in the room, one of them, I assumed was the teacher, scribbled something on the board behind her while the other six students groaned and mumbled about how stupid the school was going to be. They all seemed to know why they were brought here, while I still had no idea how I had even managed to end up at this desk.

The girl faced him and rolled her eyes, "Dumbass."

"This is complete bullshit. I shouldn't even be here. I got suspended once...the rest of you are shitheads who deserve to be here." The angry guy in the front, next to the window, sunk low, crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled.

"Hey, I'm not bad. I did nothing wrong, I was only sent here because my foster parents couldn't handle another child. I'm sorry everyone seems dumb, but don't lump me in with them too." The squeaky girl to my right got teary eyed, she was obviously distressed about being here too, but still, she knew why she was here.

"Shut up, Princess. How about you drop the goody-two-shoes act. We all know you're just as rotten as the rest of us." The sulky boy who was slumped in his chair from the beginning, kicked the kid's chair in front of him; he must have been one of those children who didn't get enough attention when he was younger, so he acted out to get noticed. Idiot.

The only other student who hadn't said anything the whole time, was the brown haired boy to my left. He was just as silent as I was, maybe he was in the same situation. His expression was normal though, his eyes were glossy, and the edges of his mouth seemed to be pushed up in a smile. His light brown hair was swept across his forehead and his green eyes lit up in the sunlight. He wore, what looked like, a school uniform. As I glanced around the room once more, everyone seemed to be wearing a school uniform. It consisted of a maroon blazer and pants or skirts, a white button-down shirt, a small maroon bow tie or regular tie for the boys and black dress shoes. I didn't own any of that stuff, how was I wearing it?

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