Chapter Four

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A/N: I am going to go through this after I finish writing chapter five, so be warned it is the raw, unedited version. I apologize in advance, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

-Happy reading, Stars

I looked around my room, the walls were decorated with all my posters and pictures I had in my bedroom at home. The pictures of my friends and I at a comic convention were stuck to the same dirty round mirror I looked in every morning. The walls were the same Winnie the Pooh wallpaper from when I was five and the bed spread had Dean Winchester's face plastered in the middle of it. Everything was the same, my desk was messy, books sprawled open with highlighter marks and sticky notes stuck out of almost page. Even my glasses were neatly placed on the shelf to the right of the desk.

     I sauntered to my dresser and dug around a little, "Everything is here. Even my secret stash of Polly Pockets." How was that possible? Not even my little brother knew about them. The thought that all of it had just been a copy crossed my mind, but it was too authentic. It was like they picked up my entire room and slapped it in the dorm. I wondered if everyone else's rooms were like that too, but I didn't feel the need to knock on their doors for something like that.

     The television blinked to life and the weird man, Mr. Hager, popped up. "Welcome to your dorm rooms. I hope everything is to your liking!" He held his stomach as he laughed, it looked like he was back on the stage because the red stage curtains were closed behind him. "I forgot to talk about all the other important stuff while we were chatting away in the auditorium. First, I will explain the whole, class, situation. As you may already know, your classes are separated into five different sections. I have them conveniently labeled as A, B, C, D, and E. Class A consists of the students who did remarkable on the entrance exam, no mistakes. Congrats to you!" He tipped his purple top hat and bowed a little. "Class B is, well, I don't really need to explain it to you. Each of you has a student ID card that has your picture and ID number. The number will have which letter section you're in along with a five-digit number following it. They will be on the handle of the door you used to walk into the room, once you have it in your hand, put it around your neck. You will be required to wear that ID badge while walking around campus, this is so it's easier to see who you are and what class you belong to." He glided along the stage, he went back and forth several times while talked. "It will soon be time for dinner, your teachers will greet you at the end of the dorm hallways and you will follow them to the dining hall. Remember, you are not allowed to eat in your rooms. Man, this has been so fun, but unfortunately, I have some curator business to take care of." He smirked, "When the dinner bell goes off, please gather at the end of the hall and find your class teacher. Thank you all for the attention and hope you enjoy the lovely dinner I specially prepared for you all." He giggled and ran off the stage before the television shut off on its own. That man was weird, it was doubtful that I would ever get used to someone like him as the principal.

     An obnoxious alarm reverberated through my small dorm space, it sounded almost like a fire alarm, but with a slight mix of car horn. I jotted down the code to unlock my door before I grabbed the ID badge from the handle and followed the line of students down the hall toward the opening.

     "Hey." Kingston bumped into me when we made it to where the teachers stood. "Was your room the same as it was back home?"

     Why is he asking me?

     I nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

     "Okay grumpy, just wanted to know if I was going crazy or not."

     "I'm not grumpy, I just don't understand why you're talking to me. Normally people stay from conversating with me." I raised a brow at him, it was hard to believe people had a good intention with talking to me, but who knew, maybe he was legitimately interested.

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