Chapter 8

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Heyyyy! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I totally forgot about it! I had the chapter written, but forgot to put it up :( anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!

The nurse cleared Miss Housman and we left to our rooms. Sabrina was nowhere to be found. Aurelia and I even checked her room, but no matter how much or hard we knocked, there was no response.

"I think we should just go to lunch. Miss Housman is fine, and we missed most of our morning classes." I sighed, "Plus, I'm starving." I tapped Aurelia on the shoulder, her sniffles decreased, but did not disappear completely. Tears fell down each cheek as she nodded.

We walked together to the cafeteria; the line spanned the entire length of the cafeteria. Everyone smiled and laughed with their friends, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. Sabrina ate at my mind; how could she have done something like that? Why did she do it?

"Hey..." Kingston tapped my shoulder, Brandyn and Frederick closed in tow. They joined us in line, I nodded at them but if I spoke tears were bound to follow. I wasn't sad, I was frustrated because I had no idea how to help. How to make things better. The air in the room was dark and heavy, but the other students didn't seem to realize it. The six of us were the only ones that felt the air crushing our lungs and the darkness surrounding each other. I hadn't felt this much grief since my cousin disappeared when he left to go to this school.

I sighed, grabbed my food, paid and sat down at my usual table at the back-right corner of the large room. Aurelia clung to me; Brandyn sat next to her. Kingston and Frederick sat across from us. I raised a brow, "Where's Leland?" The others looked on either side of themselves, but they shrugged. "Did he go after her?" I shook my head, it didn't matter.

Frederick slammed his palm on the solid table, the bang echoed causing the whole room to fall silent. The chatter started up again, Frederick's brows were twisted together, and his face burned bright red. "Fuck this shit. That damn chick isn't worth getting so angry about. What the f—"

"You're going to get us in trouble with that kind of language." Brandyn smiled and waved a finger at Frederick; his hand gently laid on top of Frederick's.

Frederick pulled his hand away and cursed at him. I groaned at them, "Guys. Stop." I took a bite of my pizza, it tasted like cardboard with cheese, but it was the only thing that was small in portion. Aurelia took a few bites of her fish, but the sobbing might have gotten in the way of being able to eat. Well, that or...

"Look!" Kingston pointed to the doorway of the cafeteria; Sabrina stood in the doorway. Her blonde hair was a mess, strands were all over the place. Some of them were stuck to her face while others were knotted. Her right shoulder was bare, her shirt looked as if it had been stretched too far that it fell off her shoulder—and her tights had runs in them. The purple bags under her eyes made it look like she hadn't slept in two weeks straight.

Leland held her up, her body swayed like a sailboat in the open ocean. He guided her toward our table and helped her sit down. "Hey guys." He forced a smile, I nodded. Frederick grumbled and turned his head to look out the window. Why was he so upset all of a sudden?

Kingston sighed, "Great..."

Leland glared at him, "She's fine. She took a nap and is ready to eat lunch." His teeth grinded with every word. My heart skipped a beat when her head shot in my direction, her eyes were bloodshot and empty. It was like who  she was on the first day was gone. That uppity, spoiled, narcissistic girl was gone and replaced a psychotic, sleep deprived monster. We had only had one day of school and everything has already gone awry. Something was definitely going on with this school.

Sabrina slowly shifted her gaze to her tray below her. If the air around us wasn't uncomfortable before, it was now. I stood up with my blue tray, Aurelia did the same, one hand gripped my blazer sleeve. "I'm done eating. I'll leave first." My shadow followed close behind, Frederick was second to leave then Brandyn and Kingston. I guess I wasn't the only who felt it.

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