Chapter 7

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As much as I wanted to go through the book, the iron taste of blood still coated my tongue. I had taken at least four showers, but it still occupied my sense of smell. The images of the splatter on the door flashed at the back of my mind. My heart pumped faster, and my stomach was somersaulting. The lights were suddenly too bright, I squinted at the lamp. My head pounded, every step I took was like an elephant stomping through the room. The lights were like staring up at the sun for too long in the middle of summer. I couldn't take it anymore. I ignored the hunger panging in my stomach, the nausea overruled it. I thought it was better to sleep rather than forcing myself to eat.

I peeled back the bed sheets and snuggled in. I slammed the pillow over my head and pulled up the blankets, so they reached my chest. I had extensive experience with this kind of pain, I knew what would work and what didn't. Going to sleep for eight hours usually did the trick. Or lots of Caffeine. I decided the latter would be fine for the time being.

I was woken up by a loud bang on my door. I grumbled awake and slid reluctantly out of bed to see who it was. The sun wasn't too high in the sky, yet which meant it was too early to be walking around. I stumbled toward the door, the tightening in my head was gone, but I still didn't want to be functioning.

"Who is it?" I mumbled through the door, one had on the surface of the door and the other on the knob. I leaned my head on the wood and waited for a response from the other side.

There was a long pause before I heard a whispered voice, "It's me. I need to talk to you." Sabrina's words were jumbled together her voice shook and was rapid. She knocked on the door again, but harder.

I wondered if she wanted to talk about the girl's bathroom last night. I opened the door and she ran straight for my desk. She sifted through all my notebooks like she was looking for something in particular, but I doubt I had what she needed. None of those notebooks were from my time here, so whatever she was looking for, it was all, most likely, useless.

Her hands shook as she dug around my desk, her breath was rapid and her eyes wide. She kept her eyes down, "Do you have anything on this school?" Her voice was more intense, but still at a shrill whisper.

I shook my head, then remembered the library had a whole section of books on the school. "Wait." I told her to check there, she nodded and strode out the door. Her long legs carried her further and faster than my puny stumps ever could. She had left as fast as she came. She didn't even glare at me like she did the whole time we were in there alone yesterday. She must have seen something awful to be that frantic.

Shivers ran down my body, but I couldn't worry about her anymore. She was going to be fine. Right?

I shook my head, "No, I won't let it bother me." Since I was up, I thought I would take a look through that book. It had fallen on to the floor through the night, so I picked it up off the light oak floor and brought it over to my desk. I flipped it open to my pages, but there wasn't much in there. Just some pictures and theories about what my school life would be like. I smiled because all the words were written in his handwriting. He wrote like a medieval Lord; he even preferred a quill and inkwell over a normal pen. I was a bit disappointed at the stark pages, but it was nice to see his handwriting again. I smiled, closed the book and lined it against the back of the desk. I didn't know if we had to return the books within a certain amount of time, but I didn't want to put it back just yet. My gut told me to keep it a little longer.

I glanced behind me at the clock on my nightstand, "6:15 a.m." I put on my uniform and headed for breakfast. Classes started at seven, by the time I got to the café, it was around six-thirty which meant I only had a half hour left. I found Kingston and sat with him, he was just about done with his food, but he said he would stay until I was finished. He was a nice guy after getting past the hard exterior of his personality.

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