Chapter Three

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"So, like, when are we going to, I don't know, learn?" Sabrina leaned back in her chair and aggressively tapped away at her phone for whatever reason. I didn't like her, she was too self-involved, nothing else mattered except her and her "friends".

"After I explain the school rules, then you will get your class schedules. Your first classes will begin tomorrow at seven in the morning--today will just be about getting to know the school and seeing where you will be staying for the duration of your time here. So, as soon as I'm done with this, you can go."

"About fucking time..." Frederick sighed and threw his back against his chair.

"Ya know, you're really annoying. There's really no reason for you to curse all the time." Aurelia sniffled, I didn't understand why she cried all the time, was she interminably sad? With the amount she cried, she would probably be able to fill a bucket by graduation—or five.

"Says the one who can't stop her damn crying." Frederick twisted his fists under his eyes, mocking her crying. He really was a rude person.

Kingston laughed, "You're right. She does cry a lot."

"It's fine, at least she's able to show emotion, unlike that kid Brandyn. He's like a statue." Leland pointed his thumb behind him at Brandyn. He was right, he didn't have any emotions at all, it was weird. I mean he had that creepy half smile, but that was it, not even a furrowed brow. So, there was the boy who cursed a lot, the incessant crier, the girly-girl, the boy who constantly said, "it's fine", the statue, the kid who sulks all the time, and me. Did I have an identifying trait too?

What is it? I wondered.

Brandyn scoffed, "You're just jealous because your emotions are written on your face twenty-four-seven." He tapped his pen against the wood-grained fiberglass of the desk and his leg bounced underneath.

"Oh my God, all of you are so dramatic about everything...can we get to the real problems at hand like, I don't know, no freaking cell service." Sabrina pouted and laid against the back of her chair like a limp noodle, her head fell back, and she glared me then lifted it back up.

"Really? You're on that again? You probably pay your followers on twitter to like your stuff, so it looks like you matter, but you really don't." Kingston mocked her, he tapped away at an invisible phone in his hand and laughed. "There's no way someone like you actually has any legit followers, sorry."

"Well, that's one assumption, or maybe I'm just that popular." Sabrina flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulder. Kingston was right, she wasn't too likeable in my opinion, but who knew, maybe someone out there had a fetish for her particular brand of narcassism.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, every time Miss Housman explained something, someone else would start a riot about something. They never let her finish, I raised my hand, "Excuse me, Miss?" She nodded, "Can you please continue with the rules?" There were a couple boos from Kingston and Frederick, Leland waved me off and said it was fine, we had time. Sabrina seemed to ignore it like everything else and Brandyn didn't do anything. What was with him?

"Oh, yes, of course. My apologies." She handed the papers out with the rules in fancy bold lettering and went over them one-by-one. There were twenty of them, some were common sense and others were strange. One of them was about fighting, you could only fight in the designated arena's, supervised by an administrator. It sounded like they expected fights to break out, I guess if they were in a situation like this—suddenly appearing in a random school in the middle of nowhere—a fight was bound to break out. That wasn't the only weird one, why would we have to lock our bedroom doors by ten? That didn't really make sense, was there something that roamed the halls at night? We weren't even allowed to leave our room after that either, like it was dangerous just to go down the hall for a snack.

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