Chapter Sixteen: Like mother like daughter.

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Sonic landed on the ground and placed me down coldly, he was really upset. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked down, however I the sound of trotting echoed through the ballroom. I looked over and saw the Black Knight swipe his sword at us, I closed my eyes preparing for the intense pain but instead I heard the sound of clashing. I opened my eyes and saw my mom using Excalibur to deflect his attck. "MOM!!!!!!!" I yelled a bit shocked.

"Just stay back, I can handle this." Smiled my mother as she got into a graceful stance, my father laughed and got of his horse. "I beat you 10 years ago and I can do it again." He smiled charging towards my mother. My mom kept her cool and began fighting with my dad, they were both excellent but my mine was becoming fuzzy at the moment. What my father was saying and doing was making give revaluation to my entire life, it was all a lie.

I stood up and clutched my rapier, anger boiling within the cracks of my soul. I started to walk towards my mother and father until Sonic grabbed my arm. "You should stay in a princesses place, be smart and sit down." He said coldly. My eyes widened with surprise and I growled, there was no way I was going to let him stop me. "You stay in a knights place and get out of my way, I thought that you were caring and understood me.... guess that was a lie huh!" I said pulling my arm away from him and running towards my mother and father. My mom looked back and saw me, she had a look of pure concern. "Amy don't..." Was all she managed before my father stabbed her in the chest.

Excalibur slowly fell from my mothers injured body, landing on the ground with a thump. "I always told you, your a pathetic queen." Smirked my father. Seeing his approving face made me wonder if he ever even gave a damn about her, but at the moment I knew one thing..... he was dead. He picked up Excalibur and turned towards me, he had a soft face. "Amy, come back and join me. You will eh unstoppable and able to kill everyone in your way." He said sweetly. "To he'll with that plan you sicko!" I yelled. Everyone gasped in surprise, I was always told to act lady like but today I'm breaking the chain.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Little Amy, your supposed to be acting as a civil princess. But alas I find you in a suit of armor being something you know you can't be." Said my father as he was walked towards me. "Stay back!" I yelled raising my rapier at him. "Oh what are you going to do, kill me? Your just a little girl, you couldn't harm a fly." He grinned. I let tears flow from my eyes as I fell to the ground, he was right. My ears flattened as he slapped me across the floor, I looked up to see where everyone was. I saw his helpers holding down all the knights and watching the citizens, I glanced over at Sonic and saw him growling and trying to move. "I won't give in." I said getting up limply, my father smirked and kicked me back down. "Go ahead and keep trying, I need a punching bag anyway." He smirked. I growled in disgust and reached for Excalibur. "For my mother." I said to myself.

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