Chapter Twenty-Three: A new rule

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In the history of Roselynn, Sonic and I were the youngest king and queen. But nobody seemed upset with this logic, in fact them seemed happy to have some young people as rulers. It was two months after our wedding and I was sitting in the garden and writing a least if new rules on a scroll. It was only five, but we had plenty of other rules already laid down.

1) People whom are caught breaking the law will be put under trial.

2) Those found guilty will be persecuted by the level of intensity of their crime.

3) On birthdays citizens can request a party be held in the ballroom.

4) Chao that are brung in from the wild must be trained.

5) Females are allowed to be knights or fight at a knights side.

I finished writing the rules and got up to turn them in, I was especially proud with that last rule. It was what Roselynn needed a strong female foundation, it's about time men knew we could take charge! I rolled up the scroll and put a pin in the middle to keep it closed, I slipped it into the mail slot to be delivered later to our law revisers.

Sonic dashed quickly into the room and picked me up spinning around, he had his cocky smile on. "What's my Sonikku done this time?" I asked smiling. Sonic kissed my cheek and put me down. "Well my Rosé, I just did beat Knuckles in sparring." He grinned. Sonic was still a knight, in fact he was the leader. "Great job, it only took you threw years." I giggled. Sonic laughed himself and put me down. "So did you finish your rules that you wanted to add in or replace?" He asked stretching lightly.

"I sure did my blue blur, and guess what." I grinned. Sonic titled his head as if he were symbolizing that he wanted to know. "You'll be having female knights when I open positions tomorrow." I smirked. "Whoa Amy, you finally did it!" Clapped Sonic. "Yep and if I catch you flirting with any of then I will get you." I said kissing his cheek. Sonic blushed and laughed as he sweat dropped. "Come on, you know I only flirt with my wife." Explained Sonic as he hugged me from behind.

I nodded knowing he doesn't cheat on me, I trust my blue blur. "Well it's getting late, lets prepare for tomorrow!" I said excited. "Huh, you alright informed the citizens on this new rule?" He asked. "Yes sir, you may be fast in your feet, but I'm faster with a pen and paper." I said walking off as I lightly shook my hips. I noticed Sonic blushing as his eyes followed my hips, he walked behind me the whole time as well.

~ The Next Day ~

It was early morning around 7:00 am as I heard a knocking at the castle doors, I stirred from my sleep and walked to open the doors. Knights lined up behind me as body guards, weapons drawn and out, serious faces on their... faces. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes, I jumped lightly seeing who had knocked. There was at least 70 girls outside the door kneeling to me, each had a different weapon that was started on their waist.

"Queen Amelia, we are at your service. We wish to be knights." Said a Japanese cat. "Yes ma'am, we shall fight for you!" said a country fox. I bowed respectfully to them, I was overwhelmed to see so many women prepared to risk their life's for their kingdom. "Then lets start training and getting you assigned by your skill set, you've all been added to Roselynn knight force!" I said happily.

The girls cheered and applauded as the stood up weapons on hand, I saw Sonic get up and walk over to me. "Whoa Ames, what are all these girls doing here?" Asked Sonic looking at them all in shock. "They are the new recruits for the Roselynn female knight force, it starts here Sonic, it starts here." u said smiling at the girls.

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