14. Skinner High

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March 31, 2045 - 11:55 AM

"We've retrieved Officers Sandoval and Holloway along with one suspect," Nikki told Carl through his ThoughtControl piece. "We're returning to headquarters now."

"Nice job, guys," Carl replied cheerfully, keeping his view on the road ahead of him. "I'll see you again in an hour or two."

Once his connection with Nikki cut off, he received a call from Holden. "Uncle Carl," Holden greeted, "I got some more info on Donny Redford."

"Did you find the name of the school, honey?" Andrade chimed in. She leaned forward to activate the van's directory, and a screen requesting an address hovered in front of her and Carl.

"Oh hey, Andrade. Yeah, he was a junior at Skinner High School in Torresdale. Low ranking in his classes, multiple absences, and despite being undiagnosed, has a notable lack of control over his temper. Had a Threat Level 3 according to the last SanityScan he passed."

"Skinner High," Andrade repeated as she input the address, and the van redirected itself toward the school. "Weird how the System declares him undiagnosed, yet we found a pile of Apaths scattered around the bathroom sink."

"Probably went down the same path Holloway did," Carl replied. "Started off as a requirement then devolved into a bad habit. From a daily pill to so much more."

"I can't help but feel sorry for the boy. All of them, really, but if Redford had all these absences and was addicted to pain medication, I'd hate to see how his home life was."

"If we learned anything, Andrade, it's that it takes one madman to make another."

The school was only a few more blocks away. Carl's eye started twitching, and he slumped into his seat as if he was about to pass out.

"You alright, Maslow?" Andrade asked.

"Someone else wants to take the helm," Carl grunted. "Let them know what's going on."

Andrade perked up. "I really hope it's Catalina!"

YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT YOUR DESTINATION, declared the van's automated voice.

Carl slowly rose from his seat. He glanced over at Andrade with a cold expression completely devoid of Carl's usual amiable nature. His posture was tense and his eyelids hung low, as if he was angry that he dragged himself out of the depths of Carl's mind. To conclude his introduction, he pressed the button on his LED ring, switching the light from blue to green.

"Hello, Vince," Andrade greeted.

"Andrade," Carl's alter Vince replied in a baritone voice almost unrecognizable compared to the original.

"Maslow and I have been tasked with inquiring Isabella Zhang, the principal of Skinner High School, over the deaths of four junior students, particularly Donny Redford, the only one confirmed to have formerly attended the school so far. Are you willing to cooperate with us to fulfill our task and bring these boys and their loved ones justice?"

Vince retained his icy expression but silently nodded in agreement.

Andrade smirked. "Bueno. Then let's get this done."

She and Vince stepped out of the van and stood in front of Skinner High. Like many of the other buildings scattered throughout Philadelphia, it was a large, futuristic superstructure with entire walls constructed primarily of RG, a self-repairing material known formally as regenerative glass. Shrubbery stood around the school's premises like strands of grass protruding out of the sidewalk, and the school's name hovered above its roof in green holographic letters. A concrete pathway led directly to the front doors, and Andrade and Vince followed it.

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