47. Garrison

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June 3, 2045 - 9:45 AM

Dozens of screens floated before Mason's desk as she studied every single one. Some consisted of the data she requested from her colleagues. The rest was her own research. Combined together, the data would help her save the city. Or at least enough to justify her high ranking and the reputation of her organization.

Margo, Holden, and Andrade stood before her desk, curiously glancing at the screens unknown to them. Margo could see that many of them were maps of Philadelphia or locations within the city's Scans, and another good chunk of them were drawings and newspapers referring to the Rabbit Hole. The bizarre information gave Margo the impression Mason was secretly a conspiracy theorist, and she couldn't help but quietly chuckle to herself at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Andrade muttered to her.

"Nothing," Margo replied back, composing herself. She looked forward knowing fully well Andrade was flashing her another dirty look.

"Did you find everything you needed, Commissioner?" Holden asked sheepishly.

Mason stayed quiet, still studying the images floating before her like an art gallery. Her expression was like that of a world-renowned detective. She was stoic, hiding all weakness to the point one would be surprised to find any within her. Her eyebrow was raised as something small and most likely valuable still prevented all the details running around her head from coming together to form the big picture. And as many people would be while focused on a moment such as that, she was quiet. She couldn't sense the increasing tension in her colleagues before her, or more likely, she'd keep that observation to herself to hold their attention. They were her audience, and she wanted them on the edge of their seats waiting for anything to happen.

Thirty seconds had passed, and she tapped a button on her keyboard. All the screens and images before her condensed into a single blue light emanating from a small drive. She took the drive and held it up between her thumb and forefinger. It was at that moment her eyes met those of her fellow officers.

"Yes, I have," she replied, not even cracking a smile despite her obvious satisfaction.

"So what's next?" Andrade asked.

Mason placed the drive down in front of her. She clasped her hands together as if in prayer, collecting her final thoughts, before letting them go. "First," she declared, "we contact Noah Garrison. He should be attending group therapy later this evening. If he doesn't reveal anything relating to the mask or the Rabbit Hole during the session, we'll pull him over for a more personal interview."

"H-H-He actually can't make it today," Nikki replied, undoubtedly fearful of Mason's reaction to his absence. "I j-just checked and he had to cancel."

"Then call him back for a mandatory meeting tomorrow afternoon. You, Margo, and Andrade will interview him in his home. All the input we get from him determines how the rest of our investigation goes."

"Our entire mission is supposed to rely on this one man?" Andrade asked, unusually doubtful of her superior in.

"Not entirely. Holloway knows someone who could help. At least with a bit of force. Once we've gotten enough from Garrison, we go to him. If Garrison doesn't provide enough, we still find him. Think of him as the backup."

"Who's the other guy?" Margo asked.

"Andrade will let you know when the time comes."

* * *

June 4, 2045 - 12:30 PM

Margo tapped her ThoughtControl piece. Ellie, she thought, why are you looking forward to my reaction to seeing you?

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