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I showered, dressed, and made my way out the door. This wasn't Scott and I's first fight, but it surely was the most intense. It hurt though, my first potential boyfriend turned out to be something else.

I made my way to the laundromat, trying my best to ignore the issue. My eyes caught Mike shoving quarters into the machine. Though, he was struggling have the slot take the quarters. I laugh and open the door. "Need help?" I say, walking over to him. He shows a bright smile when he sees me.

"Uh, yeah." He scratches the back of his neck, and steps back.

"Well first Michael, you can't beat the system by putting two dimes and a nickle in a quarter slot." I giggle once again.

"Oh," Mike chuckles hesitantly. I pull a quarter out of my pocket and replace the change he had just put in. "I'll put the blankets in." I nod and push the change into the machine with my thumb. The door pops open, and Mike pushes the blankets and sheets into the washer. I take the powdered detergent that was on the table behind us, and place it in the machine as well. Surprisingly, the washer took all of our laundry without a problem. "What now?" Mike says, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"We can stay here, make sure no one steals out laundry." I shrug, looking up at him. "You can leave it you want."

"No, I wanna stay with you." My heart flutters when he says that. I couldn't help but smile. It was like he knew I didn't want to be alone right now. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong? I am your best friend." He jumps onto the table, and pulls me in front of him.

"It's stupid." I mumble, and shook my head.

"Elias," He soft voice became demanding, and I couldn't help but look at him. "Tell me. It's clearly bothering you to the point you don't wanna tell anyone." His large hand swayed on my arm, in attempts to comfort me. It worked, because my vulnerable self began to cry.

"You can't tell anyone, especially Bob." I whimper, Mike's eyes glued onto me. "Scott started flirting with me and such, like I don't know. I thought it was different. He took me out last night, and today, when you were in the shower he wanted to have sex and I said no and he got angry I know it-" I couldn't keep up with my words, so I paused, catching my breath as I cried. Mike's thumb ran across my cheeks, and at that point, I realized how good of a friend he really was. "And well, he told me he felt sorry for me because I'll never know what it's like to really be in love and do it. And it fucking hurts you know? I'm sorry I prioritize my job than have time for a boyfriend. I'm so young, I have time to fall in love. I mean, fuck." I sniffle, looking up at Mike, "How did you fall in love with Scott?"

"I don't know." He pulls me close, resting his chin on top of my head. "But I have fallen out of love with him..." his voice whispered, and kissed my head.

"I love you Mike. More than I could ever love Scotty." I hug him tightly. I needed this.

Mikes hand grips my face, and pulls it up to look into his bluish-green eyes.

"I love you, Elias." Mike shoves his lips into mine, and they instantly mold together. I was shocked, but I didn't pull back.

Mikes not gay.

Just then we heard the bell to the door jingle, breaking our lips apart. Our eyes darted to the sound, and saw Scott walking into the room.

"You're lucky its me." He says, looking at Mike.  "Did you guys the make out?"

"Yeah. Because she's not feeling good. And I love her." I feel Mikes hand on my cheek again, but this time it made me feel tingly and warm. I couldn't stop the smile appearing on my face.

"Oh." He walked in, and stood in front of me. "You forgot pillowcases, madam." Scott looked directly at me, shoving the cloth into my arms. The only thing I could do is nod. "So Mike, I got some new snow back at the room, you should get some before I OD." Scott wipes his nose, which is a hand signal for "let's go snort some coke and deteriorate our brains".

They were drug addicts. There is no reason so say no. "Have fun Mikey." I say to him, giving him a small smile. "I'll be here." I reach up and kiss his cheek. But he pulls me to kiss his lips. And there was that tingly feeling again.

He jumps off the table, and runs out the door with Scott. I didn't speaks to Scott, because I felt there was no need to. Especially after today.

There wasn't a thought in my mind to think I'd go back to the room tonight. I hope they set the bed with the extra sheets and blankets in the closet, and I hope they don't get entirely high out of their mind to the point they have a nosebleed on the white mattress.

The smartest thing to do is set up the washed blankets in the back room of this place. I knew there was a back room because I was once fucked by an old yet buff black guy. He had money and he had a hell of a dick.

The last of the laundry was washed, and I set up a bed in the back room. It was dark, but it was warm. With the many sheets and blankets, it was a pretty thick mat to sleep on. Though it wasn't the same, I wished for Mike and Scott by my side. Sleeping with their slight snores and their mumbles. It's what kept me relaxed.

I shook my head, getting their faces out of my mind. The automatic lights soon turned off from the main entrance, leaving me and my thoughts completely dark.

How did I get to this point of my life? I'm homeless, I'm a prostitute, and I'm so weak, I can't get anything I want in life.

I have to leave. This is enough. Turn my life around or something. I don't know.

What am I saying?

I watched the notebook a few days ago cause it's on Netflix and I cried like a bitch.

Also I've ft my nieces who live in SDCA and I cried cus it's the first time I've seen them so yeah.

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All the love

This chapter sucked btw lol


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