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"This place looks expensive as fuck." I say, glancing inside through the giant glass windows. I then open the door for Elias, and she swiftly walks in. I grab onto her hand and walk in with her. I was very star struck by the statutes and shiny glass and gold decoration. This restaurant wasn't made for such a small town in the middle of nowhere. But here it is, over priced and still standing tall.

"Language, we are now proper folk."Elias with a "rich people accent".

"Oh, right. Sorry madam." I apologize in the same accent, earning a small laugh from her. I couldn't thank Scott enough for this. All of this.

A slight smile grew on my face, Elias was in the middle of talking to the front desk lady. I took this opportunity to look at her gorgeous face. The way her big eyes paid attention to what she's focused on. The way he plump lips curved into a small smile. She rarely smiled with teeth. But there wasn't a reason to insecure about her smile, even her teeth were perfect. She squeezed my hand, and I blink back to reality.

"Sir? Would you like the ballroom table?" The lady asks, I nod in response. She then asks us to follow her, and we were surprised with a giant stage, and of course a giant ballroom.

"I was not expecting this." Elias whispers. Her eyes were mesmerized by her surroundings.

"I know this isn't your type of thing, but I wanted you to remember how much fun you had."

"Oh, Mike." She says, turn to me. "I love it. Anything with you is fun. You know that?" She reaches up and kisses me.

"I love you." I say, with dignity and confidence. She's the one.

"I love you, Michael." She grins and kisses me once more. We finally make it to our seats, and suddenly this orchestra walks out on to the stage full of chairs and stands. The table was filled with expensive bread and fruit, a bucket of ice and wine, and a note folded next to Eli.

"What's the note say?" I ask, taking a a bundle of grapes and popping on into my mouth. Elias takes the note, and begins reading it.

"To Mister and Misses Waters, here's a beautiful orchestra just for you. If you haven't notice, you are the only ones here tonight. It is designated for the love you two share. Please stay as long as you like. From Scott Favors, and Mayor Favors."

"They think we're married, huh?" I say, and at that moment, the orchestra begins playing.

"Elias Jane Waters, got a nice ring to it." She smiles, and bites a slice of bread. I grin at her, once again locked on her trance of beauty. "Scott did well. I can't believe this is happening." She says. I nod, and stand up.

"Wanna dance?" I ask, taking her hand.

"Sure." She whispers and holds onto my shoulder. My arms attach to her waist, and we begin swaying to the beat. I spun her, dipped her, and even did a few two-steps of my own. "You've got moves Mike, I give you that." She grins, and rests her head on my chest.

"I learned from Bob. He was a dancer in his younger days, so he says." We laugh.

We continue to slow dance to the music. It was relaxing, and most importantly, we were happy.

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