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"Chameleana, is our special one. She is named that way because her tongue can work wonders, she's available for tonight with the purchase of $1500 but five hundred an hour." Mr.Daddy, says. I stand there, with a hand on my hip, giving these horny men a sexy smirk. They looked hungry for touch, and my job was to feed them.

"Whats the policy or taking her home for the night?" A voice says, it sounded familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint it. It was too dark, and the red strobe lights really made it a little more hard to look at them in this position.

"Four thousand my friend, she must be back at twelve tomorrow afternoon."

"Deal." They shook hands, and walked away. I stood there and continued to look sexy.

A few moments passed and Mr.Daddy walked in front of me. He took my hand and helped me down from the stage I was standing on. Mr.Daddy was such a sweetheart. He wasn't a mean boss, not who I thought he was when I encountered him in Idaho. "Thank you Daddy." I smile, and reach up to kiss his cheek. He chuckles and twirls me.

"Go have fun Chameleana." He smacks my ass and I squeak at his touch.

My heels click to the customers waiting for me at the door. The open the door, and let me out first.

"Thank you, gentlemen." I say, walking passed them. Just before I walk out the door, I get a scent of their cologne. And it smelt familiar-like home.

I walk out into the street, my face full of worry, and I could cry all over again. I turn around and see them both, staring at me as if they were going to cry themselves.

"Michael." I jump into his arms, giving him a giant hug.

"Hello again, angel." He says against my neck. He then kisses it, and the tears began to flow. Though it had only been a week and a half since I've seen him, his touch could make me weak in any way possible. "Why did you leave me?"

"Michael, I had to. I had to get away. I'm sorry I left you." I look up at him, his eyes looked so hurt. And it killed me inside. I did this to him. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Hey kid." Scott, mumbles, looking at me over Mikes shoulder. It was moments like these where you'd forget any drama from the past and live in the moment. I let go of Mikes touch, and stood in front of him.

"Hey." I reply, look up at him. His facial hair grew, something that I'd always help him shave. He grins, and pulls me into an embrace. "I love you Scotty. This isn't your fault." I squeeze his body. I know he blames my disappearance on him. "I had to get away, okay? That's all."

"I'm sorry Elias."

"I love you, okay? Both you fuckers." I point to both of them. "No matter what." I wipe my eyes, watching them both nod. "So how'd you find me?" I sniffle, following them to an unknown car.

"Bob had mutual friends for this type of work. Your face is in a magazine, by the way." Scott says, starting up the car. Mike soon shuts the door for me, and sits in the passengers seat. I discover a t-shirt and quickly cover my body from the little garment I was wearing.

"What do you mean 'had'?" I questioned.

The two boys look at each other, and Scott eventually looked back at me.

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