Chapter 2-3: Flying Through the Treetops

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Contrary to what Mario and Luigi were expecting, the forest was not close at all. It took another hour to reach anything that looked similar to even the tiniest cluster of trees. To further exacerbate the situation, the grasslands no longer seemed as flat as before, instead reaching a gradual incline.

As the land grew steeper, it took a toll on the brothers' energy, prompting them to rest their legs a while, which also gave them time also to eat some of the mushrooms they had on hand. Before long, they finished half their rations, resolving to save what remained for a later time. Eventually, they were back on their feet, continuing their ever-steeper ascent uphill.

Mario's brow furrowed in thought as they continued hiking to the top. What awaited there, anyway? Was it something more challenging? What should they expect?


He felt Luigi grip his wrist and yank him back with great force. Where the last of his footfalls landed, he saw a handful of pebbles tumble over the edge of what he now saw to be an enormous cliff.

Now that he was aware of his surroundings, he gasped at the sight; the forest they had sought after was now right in front of them, and the sheer size of it was tremendous. With their thick trunks, sturdy branches, and voluminous leaf clusters, this forest contained some of the tallest, most majestic trees they had ever seen.

Luigi couldn't contain his surprise, either. "È bellissimo," he whispered, breathlessly. "But how will we get across with the ground so far below us?"

"We'll have to climb across them to the other side."

His brother's eyes widened. "That's dangerous! What if the branches can't hold us?"

Breaking into a run toward the edge of the cliff, Mario pushed off the ground and jumped toward the closest tree branch. As soon as he grabbed it, he hauled himself up to stand on top. "See, bro?" he gestured to himself. "They're sturdy!"

With wobbly knees, Luigi followed after him. As Mario had expected, his green counterpart easily cleared the distance where he failed, landing right next to him. "Glad you could join," he teased.

His twin shoved him lightly in response. "Very funny. Let's go."

It took them a while to claw through the rest of the branches and leaves, As they finally reached the last branch, a noise exploded through the air from further away.

Mario froze. "What was that?"

The answer came hurtling in their direction now, accompanied by a faint whistle in the distance growing increasingly louder. After a while, the culprit came into sight: a bullet the size of a cannonball. "Duck!" Luigi cried.

His brother obliged without question, the bullet missing them by an inch and crashing behind them, instead. Chunks of wood flew everywhere as both brothers clung to the branch in white-knuckled grips, the impact jostling them back and forth. The shaking soon ceased, only for a terrifying creaking noise to take its place. Lifting his head, Mario found its source: the branch, breaking right before his eyes, courtesy of the bullet lodged inside. "Luigi..."

His eyes darted around for someplace else to hop to, finding a branch on another tree hanging overhead. Luigi tagged along, the looming fear of falling into the abyss below spurring him forward. Eventually, both reached safety, missing certain death by mere seconds. When he was certain the coast was clear, Luigi eyed several smaller branches leading up to the top of the tree. An idea forming in his head, he reached for one of them and began to climb. "What are you doing?" Mario asked.

"I need to see how far away the other end of the woods is."

He disappeared into the canopy. A minute past, and there were no updates. "What do you see?" Mario called, worriedly.

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