Chapter 2-5: The False King

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The true extent of the fortress's unpredictability first showed itself when Luigi tripped down the steps in the dimly lit hall. "Luigi!"

Running after him was Mario's first mistake. In a momentary lapse of judgement, he hadn't seen how close his brother was to the edge. Within seconds, he landed alongside him on the ground. "Are you okay?" he heard Luigi ask.

"I think so." Mario replied as he got back up to his feet. "This place is creepy."

"I agree. The sooner we get out of here, the better."

He blinked hard as he readjusted himself to this new environment. "Hey, bro...are my eyes playing tricks on me, or did the halls get brighter?"

"...È possibile. Perché?"

"We should find out where it's coming from." He gasped. "It might be just ahead!"

He took off in a flash, dragging his twin behind him, only to skid to a stop after a few seconds. "What stopped you?" Luigi inquired, adjusting his hat.

Mario only pointed ahead of him. "That."

The man in green followed his finger. Upon seeing what lay at the other end, he let out a yelp of fright. A giant, gaping chasm split the floor in two, filled with white-hot flames. "...I don't think the fire flowers make us immune to what's down there," he stuttered, clearly frightened by the ordeal.

"So we jump over it. Nothing we haven't done before."

"That's easy for you to say!" He stumbled back after seeing a giant ball of fire leap up from the abyss. "YOU were the one jumping over flaming barrels back in New Donk City!"

"ONE flaming barrel," Mario corrected. "And you would have had an easier time clearing it than I did. You've jumped higher and farther than this before!"

The encouragement was enough to calm Luigi's nerves. "...You're right," he relented slowly. "I shouldn't worry so much."

He ran to the edge of the floor, using the momentum to push off the edge for extra leverage. As was expected, he easily cleared the fire pit. Even the second fireball that leapt up from beneath him couldn't reach as high as he did.

When it was Mario's turn, he was still able to get across, but not without a few near-misses. Getting any good height involved running from the bottom of the steps into the jump. Even in midair, another burst of fire attempted to get in the way, almost close enough to burn a hole through his shoes. "See what I mean?" he asked as he pulled himself over the ledge on the other side where Luigi stood...

Or didn't stand. "Luigi?"

Something thumped down behind him. Whipping around to defend himself, he was met with none other than the green-clad plumber in question. "I thought you already jumped across?"

"I did. While you were catching up, I tried looking further ahead and fell into a warp hole. It lead all the way back to the steps, so I had to go over the fire pit again."

"Where is the warp hole?"

"On the upper floor. So don't go up there. The lower level might take us where we need to go."

"Got it."

The brothers marched down, where they were met with three separate paths, two of which lead above their floor. "What do you think?" Mario asked, looking over at his brother.

"I think," Luigi mused, "that this fortress is a puzzle."


"These branching paths were built to confuse us, If we stray even once, we have to start all over again. Only one specific path can reach Bowser."

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