Author's Notes, Part 2

70 3 3

W O W.

Unlike my fan adaptation of "Donkey Kong, this did not take only 10 days for me to complete. Rather, it took me closer to 5 months, instead, on account of multiple things like finishing up my undergraduate studies, securing a part-time job, vacation with family, and most importantly, preparing for graduate school! Fortunately, for myself and everybody else, this work is now up and published right before my schedule starts to get busier in the upcoming school year!

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has been so patient with me throughout this time. I know my updates are few and far between, whether it's through general announcements or posting a few one-shots here and there, but your support really means a lot to me.

Secondly, get excited for the next novelization in this series, which will be...

*drum rolls*

Super Mario Land!

I know I mentioned a few updates ago that I wouldn't be posting adaptations of Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3, the reasons being that the plotlines were literally a dream and a stageplay, respectively, so the events didn't physically occur in canon. As a result, I'm going straight to Mario's next great adventure! Hopefully nobody is too bummed out about this decision.

On a much brighter note, Super Mario Land is one of my favorite games since it introduces my all-time favorite character in the series: Princess Daisy! I can't wait to get started write it, and I hope everyone else is looking forward to it, as well!

Lastly, be sure to stay tuned for more frequent updates and smaller works filling in the gaps between this work and the next one! I promise they'll be more frequent this time!

Thanks again for all that you do!

~ ClassicDaisyCalico

Super Mario Bros: The Fan-Adapted NovelizationWhere stories live. Discover now