Epilogue: Recovery

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The four of them were back at Peach's castle by sunset, surrounded by cheering crowds who had been gathering by the bridge ever since they saw their princess on the outskirts of Toad Town. Greeting them at the gate was none other than Toadsworth himself, attempting to suppress the tears welling up in his eyes. His efforts, however, were futile, and he completely broke down once the castle doors closed behind them. "Thank you...both of you," he sobbed into his handkerchief, "for bringing the princess back safely."

He sniffled and turned towards Toad, revealing a pair of noticeably red and puffy eyes. "And as for you, your willingness to join them on their journey will not go unnoticed among the citizens and castle attendants alike."

The little fungus bowed humbly to his superior. "Thank you, Toadsworth."

"I'm sure your relatives in the Fungus Federation would be pleased to hear of your endeavors. You returned from visiting them two days prior to the attacks, is that correct?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Then I'm quite certain they will also be glad to know of your promotion, as well."

His eyes widened. "Promotion?!"

"Yes, indeed," the steward answered, chuckling at his companion's surprise. "Given the circumstances regarding the orchestration of the terror attacks, the castle will need to employ new retainers to keep the royal family, Toad Town, and its surrounding neighborhoods safe. Their duties are many, but given your incredible work ethic and your unquestionable loyalty to those around you, I must say your credentials line up spectacularly well."

It took everything Toad had to not let his mouth hang open in surprise. "...When do I start?" he stuttered.

"Hm? Ah, yes; your training will begin first thing tomorrow morning." He walked further down the hall, motioning for the mushroom to follow him. "Come along; let me introduce you to your supervisor. He will assist you and the other trainees I recruited in filling out the first of your paperwork."

Toadsworth continued walking, but Toad was still too stunned to budge an inch. It wasn't until Peach gently nudged him that he scuttled over to catch up to the old steward. Before going through the door, he turned around to his friends and gave them a thumbs-up, mouthing the words "Wish me luck!"


The last of the burning embers died away, sinking in piles of smoldering ash. Smoke clouded the fire pit, enough to choke the life out of any living creature who dared inhale it.

From above it all, a koopa wizard clad in blue robes and a matching pointy hat zipped over the mess on his broomstick, perching over what remained of the wooden post. Through his glasses, he saw nothing amidst the smog. Brandishing a wand in one hand, he muttered a series of clucks and gurgles, a spell in his language that let the haze billow upwards from the bottom of the fire pit. Within seconds, it evaporated into thin air.

The wizard then peered over the edge, hoping his view would no longer be obscured by anything else. "Your Rottenness?" he called into the fire pit.

He waited for a few seconds, only to hear no response. Suddenly, like a phoenix from the ashes, a clawed hand clutched at the rocks close by the post. A second hand accompanied it soon after, followed by a pair of flaming red irises.

Before long, Bowser's towering form climbed back over the rocks, greeting the wizard as he regained his footing. "YOU SAW THEM TOO, KAMEK?"

Kamek nodded, his mouth tightening solemnly into a thin line. "I saw everything. The brothers really are back."


"It's just as I feared. We'll need to take more precautions if we ever fight against them again."

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