"He Is Beautiful And He Needs To Realise It."

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Oneshot.4: "He Is Beautiful And He Needs To Realise It."

Words: 5820

Jungkook stood infont of a full length mirror in his room, staring at his reflection. It was something he did often. After puberty hit the eighteen year old boy like a freight train, he developed perfect curves and tonned muscles and a slightly deep voice. Puberty made him beautiful.

But the hurtful words of the jealous people around him, made him question himself. They always tell him, how much of air he is wasting. They tell him he does not deserve to walk on this earth meant for beautiful people.

This is not something he has been hearing recently. These words were directed at him since he was a little kid. Jungkook has always been a perfect human being. He was beautiful, both inside and out. Yet he never knew it.

The hurtful words, always has him believing that he is ugly like everybody calls him. When he was in kindergarten, the other boys, who were jealous of Jungkook, would always tease him and sometimes they would even go to the extent of physically hurting him.

Everyday Jungkook would go to his mother, crying. The sight of her son's tear streaked and heartbroken face, broke the women. She would pepare a cup of hot chocolate, and pull her son on her lap, describing his beautiful face.

Jungkook has always loved it, when his mother would do that. Everyday he would rush home after school, to his mother. After a few months or even years, the mother had her son believe that he is beautiful and he deserves the world.

That was until his mother died in a car crash. It was not a surprise to anyone in the small Kingdom of Bighiter, when Jungkook's father married another woman, right after the seven year old's mother's funeral.

Jungkook's father was the opposite of his mother. His mom was, soft and caring, she had a soft voice. In fact her son inherited his inner and outer beauty from her. His father is a drunkard, a chain smoker, a drug addict. He is cruel and cunning. The only good trait in him is, he respects women. No matter how much drunk or high he is, he would never disrespect a women.

Many people in the Kingdom always wondered, how a woman as beautiful as her, ended up with a man, who has a heart of stone. But the answer always remained simple. Jungkook's maternal grandfather was in debt to his paternal grandfather. The old man, not being able to pay off the debt, agreed to have his daughter married to the Duke's son.

Jugkook's father was, reluctant at first, to marry a peasant, but the words around the kingdom about the beautiful woman reached him and he immediately fell for her looks. He was nice to her for a few months after marriage, but everything went spiralling down, when he found out his wife was pregnant. He grew cold and distant towards her. He hated Jungkook, from the moment he was merely a zygote.

So when Jugkook's father married another woman whose, husband divorced her - claiming he cannot live with a vile woman - hate trown at Jungkook increased many folds. The vile woman having a son did not help the poor boy either.

Jungkook was eight, when it started. His step mother would treat him like a slave at home, and his step brother will bully him at school. His father never said anything. Peace was non existent in Jungkook's life.

Today, was no exemption,today was worst moreover. Today is an important day in the kingdom of bighiter. Today is the 20th birthday of the mysterious Prince of Queen Seokjin and King Namjoon. The King and Queen of the Kingdom -mainly the Queen- felt that their son was too handsome for this world and decided to hide him form the public's eyes, until he was twenty, and ready to choose a spouse.

Jungkook attends a high school, where daughters and sons of dutchess, dukes and other branches of heirs of the throne attend. It was his mother's wish. The man really did love the woman, so the least he coupd do is give her son the education, she wished he had.

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