{M}"Kim Taehyung, Please Clean The Equipments, Before Pushing It Into Me

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Oneshot.9: "Kim Taehyung, Please Clean The Equipments, Before Pushing It Into Me

Warning tags:  (#dirtytalking (don't have high expectations for this one) #bdsm? #orgasmdenial #sextoys #masochism #crossdressing)

Part 2 of "Does your super strong boyfriend know your whereabouts?"

Words: 4600

Jungkook whimpered, as Taehyung hoisted and placed his ass on his hard on as he slid into the vanity chair.

Grey eyes met dark brown through the mirror. His rested his chin on Jungkook's shoulder, lust and love hooded their eyes.


A small smirk stretched across his face, as soon as Jungkook moaned from pleasure.

"Then why don't we call him, and let him know, that you're about to be fucked senseless right here right now..."

Well fuck.... because Jungkook doesn't have a boyfriend. And also, RIP his ass.

Holding the younger boy's gaze in the mirror, Taehyung drew his hand from his dick and forced three fingers into his mouth.

''Suck, baby boy.'' He crooned.

Jungkook's big brown eyes sparkled. He worked on Taehyung's fingers, whining into the fingers. He was extremely aroused and craved a release.

Sensing the boy's distress, Taehyung took his right nipple into his mouth, torturing the already sensitive boy. Jungkook bucked his hip, grounding his ass on Taehyung's cock.

And just like that, it was all gone. Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook, leaving the boy breathless. He leaned against the staff room door, observing the boy, expressionless.

While Taehyung was the epitome of suave, Jungkook on the other hand was a sight for sore eyes.

See through thong, barely containing his hard length, he sat there, naked for Taehyung to drink in. The pathetic excuse of a bra, was strewn somewhere around the room.

He was trying so hard -Taehyung will give him that- not to relieve himself. His thighs were tightly clenched together, so were his toes, eyes and fists. The fuck me stilettos were also somewhere around the room.

"Taehyung." Jungkook wanted to sound mad, because he sure as hell was, but he ended up sounding needy.

Very needy.

"What the heck was that?!" He was still breathless, even then, he managed to glare at the silver headed supermodel through the mirror.

"Your boyfriend sent me here Jungkookie" he started off cheerfully, "told me his sex deprived boyfriend was acting like a slut," eyes got a little dark, "Requested me to teach  his boyfriend that, if he wanted to be a slut, then he should be treated like one." He all but growled now.

"I am n-no-not." He stumbled upon his words. "It was a prank." An excuse to his shameful behavior. Suddenly something snapped inside the younger boy.

"What is it to you anyway?" he got up from the chair and stalked towards Tae like an angry puppy.

"It is my Friday night, I get to decide what I do. If I want to be a slut, I will be one. The nastiest out there. Why do you give two shits?! What gave you the right to barge into this room and turn me on, knowing so fuckin well that I am sex deprived. Why!?"

Jungkook was so close to Taehyung, their breaths mingled. Even after the outburt, Taehyung was still calm, which infuriated Jungkook more. Here he was calm, collected and confident. And there he was, aroused and frustrated, so damn frustrated and confused. All he wants at this point is a release and it laid behind the door. Behind Taehyung.

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