2. Battle time!

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1776 New York City
Wait no
Y/N was listening to Hamilton (good song choice my dude. If you don't like Hamilton you're not welcome) as he rode the train to school. Y/N walked in and sat down like a normal human being. All Might did not enter the classroom like one. "I'm entering the classroom like a normal person!" He shouted ironically. (Yes I just destroyed the joke. HAHAHAHA.) Moving on, the class was apparently going to do some battle training. And they were allowed to wear their hero suits.
After everyone got changed into their hero suits, Y/N felt a little embarrassed. He regretted the designs that he drew with his non-existent art skills. But, he was stuck with it. And then he saw the others in their suits, and he realized that his wasn't that bad. He just had speakers on his chest, back, arms, and legs. The rest was grey with a hood that had a microphone built in. But the other ones were like grenades on someone's hands, a diaper, and scotch tape. WHY? And Izuku had a green rabbit costume. No wonder he got last. No sense of style.
It was now time for teams, which were supposed to be in pairs. Now, with 21 people, there's an issue. Y/N walked up to All Might and asked "could I sit this one out? You've already sorted everyone into groups of two." All Might shouted back "Do not fear, for you shall join group uhh E!" "Great." Y/N muttered. He had been hoping for as little social interaction as possible, but now he had to talk to people. On his team was the "fabulous French" aoyama and the extremely annoying ashido. Ashido started the conversation with "so what's our plan?" "Win." Y/N summarized. "I don't know, what could be a strategy that will work no matter what side we're on. Wait. What if you (ashido) spray acid down the hallway, limiting the path that people can walk along. Then you (aoyama) shoot your laser down the hall if anyone arrives. That'll work." "That sounds very good, but what will you do?" Aoyama cut in. (I'm sorry, I forgot how lord aoyama talks. Please spare me.) "I can sing some music in the background. I don't know what sort of situation we'll be in, so I don't know what song to sing."
(Pretend That there was time for this conversation before the stuff happened.) and now it was time to start the battles. Y/N took this time to nap before his turn. When it was time to go, aoyama woke him up. They were the heroes, and the villains were group C. Not the most frightening group. Just Mineta and Momo, the latter may be a challenge, but the former would be caught easily. That's what they thought.
As they went in, they employed their tactic, which had a small imperfection: Ashido can't throw her acid that far. This, apparently, was something that ruined the plan, seeing as it was the thing the plan depended on. Also, Momo was able to make a mirror. Which ruined the rest of the plan. Thinking on his feet, Y/N decided to use his quirk to split him into two parts, one logical, one emotional. He, of course, had the perfect song for this: "Left brain, right brain" by Bo Burnham. His Logical side was the one he sent to look for the bomb. The emotional one went over to get a better angle on Momo. With Aoyama sick, it was just Ashido and Y/N fighting her. Y/N, not being quick or tough, didn't really know what to do, just a leap with a punch that surprised Momo, because this weak boi was like actually doing something. The force of the punch knocked her over, allowing Ashido, with the capture tape, to capture Momo.
While this was happening, the other Y/N was frantically searching the building for the bomb. He saw a barred door and knew that was where the bomb was. He returned to the emotional clone with the information, and told Ashido so that she could melt down the door. They raced back upstairs to the door. As Ashido melted the door, Y/N kept a close watch on the door to make sure that they weren't surprised by any Mineta attacks. As they melted through, they didn't see him.  They looked all around, and couldn't find him. Until they found themselves trapped by Mineta's hair stuff. Obviously, this was looking bad, but there was a bit of energy left in Y/N. he waited until Mineta tried to capture him, then he stopped time, like before, and captured Mineta instead. And then passed out. Fun.
Sleep was good.
He woke up in the infirmary, next to Midoria. Y/N looked at Midoria's injuries, realized that broccoli's arm was FRICKING BROKEN. "He may have quirk after all, or he's stupid." Said Y/N as he walked out.

So, no, this won't be regular. I'll try. It's okay, right? It's probably passable, but not good. This is just inflating the word counter. Bye.

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