10. Yeah i should explain...

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So if you were like why would he be with Midoria and Bakugo, umm so I'm 1. Flying by the seat my pants 2. Insane and 3. Pretty sure that all the ways I try to do anything will be bad, so why not slap a "he's got no social skills, so the communication between the team will be even worse." On it. Now, because I have a really easy out, like I can just do "he froze time and left." But, since I care about what I write, I'm not going to do that. It's totally not for you guys at all, you idiots. *tsundere noise*
So now Y/n was like "excuse me what the fuck" and Bakugo was screaming, everything was normal. Now, looking at All Might, Y/n sort of felt a personal challenge. He didn't know if he could TAKE ON such a BIG MAN. Please give me holy water. Just drown me in it. Thank you. But the point still stands. If he could take down All Might (with extra weight), he could be sure that he could defeat anyone who would cause another harm. And he was like, "stopping time is a frickin cheat in this. If I do that, I can just stop time and put the handcuffs on him easily. I'll do this fair and square." And so began his really stupid idea. It's mine too.
Now, I forgot to mention the new suit. See, the problem with the old one was that it wasn't turned on, but no one will ever know that because Mei saw the design and immediately threw it in the trash. New design: black, with subwoofers on the front, back, and the end of the arms. Okay they may not be subwoofers, but they're state-of-the-art speakers that look really good. And blast music at like the highest possible volume without damaging your ears as the default setting. It can go above this. Way above. Louder than a gunshot. Which is why there are amazing noise canceling headphones-gets rid of 99.9% of noise-and they play the music at a comfortable volume if you so wish. There is also a visor, that tells you when to sing. In case you want to sing along to a catastrophe. And of course, the mic. It was the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best. And it was perfectly calibrated. And there was a little screen on the wrist that you could use to choose a song. Or use voice commands. But the old one would've worked just fine. This is so sad, suit play despacito. But yeah, that exists. Just so I can use it later.
So the whole thing started off bad. Well, as bad as it can get when you ignore your big out. Anyways, Y/n was being overly anti-social, Midoria was being overly pessimistic, and Bakugo was being an asshole. Now, if these three could agree, they could make a plan work. But none of them wer- hold up is that- wow. That's me making a stupid segway. "Okay, let's put it to fucking vote, okay?" Shouted Y/n. Bakugo and Midoria stopped bickering for a moment and turned around. "All in favour of running?" Midoria shot his hand in the air. "One vote. Against two. We're fighting him. Now that we've come to our answer, how the fricking frack are we going to do this?" "We blow him up." "Thanks Bakugo, But that won't work. And we wouldn't win. You can't put handcuffs on a pile of ashes. Any better suggestions? No? Well then here's mine. Midoria, you have some connection with him, I don't know what, but you have one, which means he'll be extra hard on you. You won't be part of the distraction team. Bakugo, you're the fastest, so I think you should lead the assault team. Actually, back to you Midoria, you'll be on the assault team too. You'll provide an extra hand, literally. What you'll do is take the cuffs from Bakugo, then quickly put them on him. I'll distract him long enough for you to get ready. Don't worry, I'll be fine. And try not to kill or hinder each other, Alright?" Y/n knew that the plan had a very small chance of working, and that it probably wouldn't work because it was his. Didn't matter, he had a backup plan this time. So he advanced on All Might, alone. "Oh, ho, ho, taking me on alone Y/n? I promise it won't be easy!" "Thanks, but isn't the whole point that it's not easy? And trying to leave would be just as hard? I don't understand." Y/n said before starting a tune. It was "Stronger Than You" from Steven Universe. And that's half of the remaining readers. OOF. Anyway, it inflated his strength and speed to All Might's level. They could fight on even terms. Which doesn't mean much when faced with someone with much more experience than you. Sure, they may have the same level of strength, but Y/n had no experience with hand-to-hand fighting, so he got pummelled. But, he already knew that he wouldn't win. That's why he was on distraction. And right on cue, Midoria and Bakugo charged in. They didn't follow the plan at all. This was to be expected. He knew they would bicker themselves out of the plan. But Y/n noticed they had a plan of their own. Apparently, they had been able to agree on something after all. Bakugo flew in, and tried to blast All Might with one of his grenade hand things. That failed. But that was the second distraction. Because Midoria also had a hand in this. Yes, I know it's not funny. I'm keeping it. Anyways, bada bing bada BOOM! Midoria blasted All Might at close range. Apparently they'd decided his idea was dumb and just decided to leave. And they were running for the goal. "You know what? If we leave, we've bested him." Y/n thought. "It's just easier. If that's the case, I'll do all I can to stop him." And he pressed the button on his suit that was his ace-in-the-hole. Some songs had a cooldown timer. This one had a week. This he would find out later. But he heard the song and knew that he would use it in this sort of situation. "Till it's over", a very EPIC song. No, really. Anyways, it brought back all of his strength, plus ultra. He blasted forwards, in the running sort of way, not the Bakugo sort of way. He jumped up in the air, did a triple flip, and kicked All Might in the face. This did nothing except for the fact that All Might took the opportunity to slam him into the floor. Fortunately, the song wasn't just for Y/n. He used its effect on all three students. And now, a somewhat weary All Might facing off against two refreshed students. Deku bolted for the door, while Bakugo shot a giant blast from his hand. The explosion barely fazed All Might, But it gave Deku time to run. And run he did. He was getting close when All Might attacked again. Wait, this goes basically how the original does. Well, yeah, All Might crushes Bakugo, Deku punches All Might, forgets about Y/n, picks up Bakugo, and leaves. Clap clap. Wow. You're second. Now, it's time for the thing that happens every time, Y/n faints. Congrats. Good job. Actually, you did something this time, although it was small. You deserve it. This is me saying I don't know how to finish.

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