God-tier storytelling (not)

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Y/n couldn't sleep. He'd realized that he'd moved on from (what was her name again?) (checks) Emma, and liked someone else now. Jiro. And was immediately like "she doesn't like me at all." He wanted to be with her, but he had the morale of a sports team. One that had never won a game. And then he was like "just forget her." Which didn't work. And I have FUCKING SAO MUSIC STUCK IN MY HEAD WHY? I HAVEN'T BEEN NEAR THAT FOR AGES! So he started reading. To forget. And then he was up til... he never slept. In the morning he had two choices: skip school or basically not be able to do anything all day. Will he make the right choice for him? No. He went to school.
Now the double whammy here is that today is another one of those weird days. Today there's RESCUE TRAINING! Oh boy! And you have to be fast! The fastest! And guess who would normally ace this! Why did I do this? I DON'T KNOW! Isn't it fun? -me, flipping through personalities faster than sonic. Although, I made a copo- I mean- Y/n decided to say to All Might "I'm not feeling too great today. Can I sit this one out?" But All Might, like a gym teacher said "Just do your best." Well, that's exactly what Y/n did. He started singing "I Believe I Can Fly" and like a few seconds in... fainted. From on top of a building. Ouch. What are you, the new Midoria? No, because he still injures himself. And while he's in the nurse's office, the scene I flashed back to happened. Don't you just love when the writer doesn't research that well? It's almost as good as a completely unnecessary love triangle or even better, a love dodecahedron! Which, honestly, I don't want to do. If I'm not great at writing one interest, why would I write 27?
When Y/n woke up, to his surprise, he found two people. And they were Kaminari and *badump* Jiro. Y/n tried to play it cool. He didn't. "W-why are y-you here?" "Cause we're your friends, duh." Kaminari said. Y/n wondered if he was in the wrong universe. He didn't have any friends. He barely talked to anyone. So hearing that Kaminari considered him a friend touched him a lot. And Jiro too. He was friends with the girl he liked! Only a few more steps before he could like ask her out. He was ecstatic.
And then there was an attack. A bullet through her head from nowhere. And then everything went black. Y/n fumbled around in the dark, searching for answers. He cried. He didn't know what to do. He felt like giving up
And then he woke up. For real this time. Almost the entire class was there. "Why are you all here?" Y/n asked, out of breath. "You were asleep for two days." Aizawa said. "Here's your homework." "Thanks." Said Y/n while rolling his eyes. "What else did I miss?" "Next week, there will be a test, that, if you fail, will mean that you cannot go to the summer training camp." "Great." Said Y/n, before leaving the room. "I'm gonna... *yawn* train or something." This was incorrect. He was going to attempt to sleep, fail, try to keep himself entertained, fail, and then just decide to take a walk. It's not that he particularly liked the outdoors, just that there was really nothing else to do. Anyways, on this walk, he had a chance meeting with... Bakugo. "Oh, great, Asshole McExplosionface." He muttered. Since Bakugo has really good ears, he was like "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" To which Y/n replied "oh, it's nothing 'lord explosion murder.'" "What do you want?" Bakugo screamed. "Some peace and quiet, if you'll leave me alone." Y/n said. And then he walked away, somehow unscathed. Ah, this was the part you were looking for, a real actual connection with Kaminari. (He is a good guy FIGHT ME) Y/n saw him and walked over. "Heya." Y/n said, because he was having an extrovert moment. "Sup," said Kaminari. "Nothing much, sup with you?" "Nothing much, just panicked about the test, cause, you know, I haven't studied." "I should actually also go study, but I'm probably gonna take a nap." "Didn't you just take a two-day nap?" "Yeah, and it wasn't long enough. I should really go." And then he left. Dramatic.
He attempted to study for the test that night, but to no avail. He was extremely distracted.
Then, the next day, Momo agreed to help people study, and Y/n was like "this is my chance!" Later, at Momo's mansion, Y/n realized that he'd made a mistake. Jiro was there too. Which meant that he'd be distracted, right? Wrong. Apparently, the want to look good in front of the girl you like overcame the fact that he "knew" she didn't like him. He basically just did really well the whole time.
And so, this continued into the next week, and finished at the day of the test. Y/n had heard that the test would be fighting robots, but he didn't trust that information. Apparently they'd gotten it from an upperclassman, and then they assumed that it would be the same every year. But wasn't this a different kind of year? More villain attacks in general? It's probably harder than last years test. And Y/n's suspicions were confirmed. This year's test was a team of two students facing off against one teacher. And the teams were already decided. Great. Wait, where did that leave him? All the teams of two were chosen, but he didn't hear his name. "Excuse me, but what team am I on, and who am I fighting against?"
"ME!" Said a voice that filled Y/n with dread. For some reason, he'd be fighting All Might.

A voice that flutters (mha xmalereader)Where stories live. Discover now