3. Well that's season one

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Wow, I think I write too little about too much. Only three chapters?
Y/N was napping, like normal. He woke up to the lunch bell. He did the normal thing and got food. The apparently "world class" food that just tasted like well produced regular cafeteria food. But it's made by a pro hero so it's "the best". He sat alone, because there wasn't anyone he really wanted to sit with. And no one really wanted to sit with him, he assumed. He always tried to eat fast so that he wouldn't have to be in this crowd for a long time. Of course, today, the intruder alert went off right as he was about to leave. "Fucking seriously?" He shouted, before fully comprehending the situation. "Holy shit someone's inside the school!" Y/N yelled. He started searching frantically for people who shouldn't be there. This was useless, because the crowds were a swarm of people of all shapes and sizes. Also, Y/N hadn't met all of the people in the school, so he wouldn't know who belongs and who doesn't. This led to a complete mental breakdown. "What if they're somewhere in there? What if they're about to kill me? Who are they? Am I going to die?" Y/N went down into a fetal position. After a while he heard a "hey, are you alright?" from somewhere. He looked up to see his classmate Kyoka Jiro lending a hand to him. "I'm fine, thanks." Y/N said before getting up off the ground. The crowd had dispersed. "What happened?" He asked. "It was just the paparazzi." Jiro responded. "News nowadays, eh?" Y/N said, laughing nervously. "Okay, that was bad. And, um, thanks." "No problem." Jiro replied. And then the bell rang for class, which sent them running down the hall, because of obvious reasons.
A few days later, class 1-a learned that they were doing a rescue test. Then they take the bus, Iida has a mental breakdown over the fact that the bus isn't what he expected, Deku's quirk is compared to All Might's, you know all this and it'd be a waste to copy everything. Y/N sat in the back of the bus because of course he did. You know he had to steal the best spot.
When they arrived, they saw the pro hero thirteen. No one knows what gender thirteen is and no one cares. It ain't important. Why did I waste three sentences on this? To buff the word count. Anyways, thirteen's long explanation, yada yada.
And then a large black swirl opened up in the middle of the building. "Oh, we're getting started right away then." Y/N thought. But then, Aizawa said "stand back, these are real villains." And Y/N got S H O O K. Normally, a shock like this would send him into "AAAAAAA" mode, but Y/N wanted to live, so he was doing the other panic thing where you become hyper aware. Kaminari tried using something to communicate with the school, but it didn't work. Y/N tried to use the microphone on his suit to blast his voice to the school building (that's what the speakers were for), but it wasn't working either. Something was wrong with communications.
Aizawa went in to fight off the villains. As he did that, the group tried to leave the building, to which Misty Boy was like "no". And then Bakugo and Kirishima were like "get yeeted". And then Misty Boy was like "no" and "goodbye". And everyone was scattered to the winds. Y/N found himself in the mountain area with Jiro, Kaminari, and Momo. "Anyone got a plan?" Y/N asked. "Nope." Said everyone. "Great." Y/N replied. "I'll try to punch them." Then Momo was like "nah I've got swords." They were surrounded by countless villains. Kaminari was useless until Jiro yote him, then he was useful for once in his life. Y/N flailed around like a Magikarp. Jiro was stabbing people. A lot. Possibly too much. Then Momo said "I'm ready! It takes some time to make something big!" No one knows why it was phrased this way, but what matters is that she made a large blanket that could take electric shocks. Y/N, Momo, and Jiro yote under the blanket while Kaminari electrified everything. Including Momo's shirt. Y/N saw it and then just rolled away. "NOPE!" He yelled.
But, while they were distracted, a villain boi that they missed grabbed Kaminari and, you know, threatened to kill them if they did anything. Of course, Jiro, our resident mad lad, tried to do something. The villain boi noticed. Big OOF. For him because he got shot. Help had arrived. For once, Y/N didn't fall asleep immediately. Nah, he stayed awake long enough to fall asleep on the bus. It was a weird day.
Hey did you like how there were more memes and actual talking? Me too.

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