Welcome hugs

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This is my new book! Enjoy! 


I swear, If I had to stay in this car for more than 10 minutes, I would puke. In the car. In front of the driver. With no lady manners. Saying fuck. And then I'll probably go unconscious, leaving the driver to dump my body on the road. And then some lunatic will come, stumble over my body and leave me dead. On the road. Alone. With no-

Okay, I'm being overdramatic. 

But it was still really much for me. My parents had decided to leave this morning. Dad's friend lived like really far away and it was becoming a pretty long ride. And If you don't know, then please know now that I hate long drives. H-A-T-E. Yes. I don't know, they just make me fee unhomie. Yeah, it gives me an unhomie feeling.

They had decided to send me there by taxi because they were running late. Yeah, as if that's not a surprise. My parents are always running late. It's a habit. 

" Are we there yet? "

" If you want me to drop you off at the farm, then yes, we're here. " Sarcasm dripping in his voice. I didn't even know that drivers could be sarcastic. I mean, being sarcastic is really difficult. You have to come up with really witty remarks in the nick of time.

I rolled my eyes, This was getting really tiring. I decided to take a nap in the backseat of the car. I opened my long, golden locks. I wearing a blue dress which had coloured flower petals on it. I had some orange and brown bracelets in my hand. I didn't look bad. The only thing I loved about myself was my hair, eyes and voice. I had blueish green eyes that matched with my hair perfectly. It was a bad thing that I couldn't dance as good as I could sing. Well, who cares anyway. I closed my eyes and slowly sleep overtook me and in five minutes, I was dreaming about unicorns.

* An hour later *

I felt so heavy headed. It felt as if a rock had hit my head. I opened my eyes to find Olivia and Meridith, my cats, on my lap. Yes, I had two cats. Olivia was just a kitten and she was pure white with lots of fur. She was persian. Meridith was the older one and she was grey and black with a huge amount of fur too. She was a fully grown up cat. Both were females.

" We're here? "

" Yes ma'am. "

" Okay. "

I brushed my hair so it was shining, and got out of the car. As soon as I got out, sunshine hit me so bright, it felt as if I had gone blind. But lucky for me, I had kept my red, heart shaped shades. They come in handy very much.

I looked up from the floor what I saw was beyond my imagination. It was a mansion. A freaking mansion. Oh God, I feel so bad. I mean here are one of the richest people. I'm not saying i'm poor. I'm just saying I feel really small compared to whoever people live in this house. 

I walked up to the door and rang the bell. My luggage was beside me in two suitcases. I wondered if they had a daughter or a son. It gave me shivers as I thought that I just might have to live with a boy.

The door was opened really gracefully by a lady of around thirty in age. She was really pretty. She was wearing a pink button-down mtched with a floral patterned skirt. Along with that, she had silver punps and her hair was done beautifully in a bun. I suddenly felt conscious of myself. I straighted my shirt and hair and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

" Hello my dear child! Com in! Come in! " She said as she ushered me inside that mansion of a house. She closed the door and hugged me so tight, I was out of breath. She finally released me and gave me a wide smile.

" Your dad told me you were coming today. What's your name dear? " she asked sweetly.

" Uh... Amber, Amber Thompson. " I said nervously.

" Well Amber, you are going to have the best summer here. "

" Oh. " was all I could get out of my mouth. 

" Come on, follow me. "

I followed her to what looked like a kitchen. It was huge too. Was everything huge aroung here?

" Your house is amazing. " I commented politely.

" Oh, don't mention it. " she said nicely.

" Boys! Come down at once. "

Bous? Boys?! How many sons did she have?! I started panicking. 

I heard the noise of loud footsteps and loud chattering. Down the stairs came what looked like gods. Oh God, they were so hot.

 A guy with Dark brown hair came in front of me with green eyes and hugged me. I stood frozen. Okay this was totally not how I was used to being welcomed by. I could smell his cologne which was being transefered on my shirt now. 

" Uh...I can't breathe. " I managed to say.

He laughed in a cute voice which made his chest vibrate.

" Sorry. " he said sheepishly. " Im Chase and I'm 17. "

Okay so I was older than him. As you don't know, I'm 18. 

Another guy with light brown hair and blue eyes came forward and hugged me too. My nose was hit again with the smell of his cologne. God, these guys smelled so good. He released me and smiled at me.

" Hi. I'm Cole and I'm 20. I'm the eldest around here. "

Eldest. Well, he still looked cute. 

Then came a guy with blonde messy hair and greyish green eyes. He came and pulled me into yet another hug. Hugs? This family went aroung greeting people with hugs? He had put so much cologne that when he relesed me, I sneezed. Okay, embarassing.

He laughed in a husky voice sending shivers down my spine. What was with their hugs and looks and laughs. They will be the death of me. 

" Hi, I'm Dave and I'm 19. "

Lat but not the lease, or so I thought, came a guy who was beyond the limit. He had pure black hair and the most beautiful blue eye colour. It was breathtaking. The chuckling of Zach snapped me out of my trance. I looked into his eyes. He looked back. It was like we were having a staring contest fo some sort. He pulled me into a hug. I had not hugged any one of them back so I decided to atleast hug one, so I hugged him. I put my arms around his neck. We pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled back nervously.

" Hey, my name's Zach and I'm 18. "

My breath hitched in my throat as I realized we were the same age.

Snap out of it Amber!

* Awkward Tension *

" Well boys, I would like one of you to show Amber around and find jamie. " she said. Then she turned to me and said " Jamie is the youngest here, so he's always somewhere around messing. " she said cheekily. 

 I turned around to find all the boys playing with my.....cats? Oh God. I had no idea that boys showed affection to cats aswell. Well, wow. 

With the way things were seen right now, I think it was going to be one heck of a summer. What with school, and the boys and everything, I don't think I'll make it alive till the end of the summer.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Bye! 

- Izzy xD

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