Our Moment

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Hey! I'm back! I told ya guys I would come back in 30 minutes and update so here I am!


I threw a wish in the well, Don't ask me I'll never

I looked at you as it fell, And now you're in my way

I was walking in the garden in the night, listening to Call Me Maybe beacause I felt like I wanted some fresh air, when I saw Zach in fornt of me.

I'll trade my soul for a wish, Pennies and Dimes were a kiss

I wasn't looking for this, but still you're in my way

I wished I could kiss him. I would do anything right now to kiss him. I mean, when I came to know I was going to be living with him, it was unexpected. I certainly wasn't looking for this but it turned out to be good.

You stare was holdin'

He was staring at me hard, as if trying to figure something out.

Ripped jeans, skin was showin'

His jeans were ripped, showing his tanned skin.

Hot, night wind was blowin'

The hot air was blowing around us and it was making my hair flow.

Where do you think you're going baby?

He started walking towards me.

Hey, I just met you...And this is crazy

But here's my number, so call me maybe

It's hard to look right, at you baby

But here's my number, so call me maybe.

I quickly unplugged my earphones from my ears and looked into his eyes. This was a really an uneasy moment for me. He walked closer and closer till there was only a little distance between us.

" What are you doing outside at this time? " he asked, amusement evident in his tone.

" I...uh...was...um...c-coming for f-fresh air..uh..air. " I said stuttering,

Oh God, I'm stuttering in front of him. Sweet Jesus. He probably realized that that I was nervous with him being so close to me beacause he quickly backed away a little. I really did like him. He was so sweet. Unlike some bad boys in our school, I thought rolling my eyes inwardly.

" Okay, but you should get inside. It's not safe here alone Amber. " 

They way he said amber got me lost in my own world that I didn't even realize he had gotten so close to me again. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

" Why are you here outside? " I blurted, my eyes widening at what I had just said. 

His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. Obviously, it was private whatsoever he was doing. Everyone had secrets that they only shared with their best friends or girlfriends. Or maybe sometimes they didn't share them with anyone at all. 

" It's nothing. Worry about yourself, not me. "

I nodded, understanding. I slowly went inside not sure whether to say goodbye or ask him to come inside. I decided to ask him.

" Zach, come on inside. I'm making coffee for everyone. " I said smiling at him, hoping he would smile back.

And he did just that. He gave me his dazzling smile which I could never forget and came by my side. He had now calmed down. As we walked in, our fingers brushed and felt a spark of electricity bolt up inside me. 

As we continued walking, Zach slowly held my hand in his hand. I felt a tingle go through my body. Hid hand was so warm and soft. As soon as we reached in I saw Chase and Dave in the kitchen talking.

" Hey, I was just wonderi- " started Chase but stopped and smirked when he saw Mine and Zach's hands held.

" Well would you look at- " started Chase but I cut him off.

" Don't you dare finish that sentence." I warned him.

" I was just saying that you and- "

" Chase, shut up. " I said sa I unlatched my hand from Zach's and made my way to my bedroom ready to go to sleep.

I brushed my teeth and changed into my Pj's before climbing into bed and pulling the covers on my. I snuggled close to the sheets and allowed my thoughts to wander around.

I had many questions. Why had Zach held my hand? Why was he staring at me like that? Why did he ge angry when I asked him what he was doing outside? Why did he stand emotionless when Chase was teasing me? These questions wandered around in my head making me all sleepy and in a seconds I was off asleep, exhausted and tired.


Sorry that this was a small chapter. It's just that I'm really sleepy at the moment and can't think of any more ideas so I'll make it up to you guys by making the nest chapter long k? I love you guys <3    Next update: Tomorrow

- Izzy xD

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