Mistakes happen, right?

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hey guyS!I know its been a really long time since i've updated. Life is busy xD But here I am now! Making time for you guys! ENJOY!


I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. I winced,as I accidently step on my hair. With my body, I mean. Not with my foot. I slowly adjusted my position on the bed, and looked around. I was in my room, thank god. 

I got up and felt woozy as I tried to gain energy and not fall on the floor. It felt like centuries to reach tot he bathroom, because of me tripping and stumbling all the way to the bathroom. When I finally reached, I got some support from the walls. I gasped as I saw the girl in front of me, in the mirror.

She had bed marks on her cheeks, her mascara was smudged so much it looked as if it were some latest fashion, her blonde locks which were naturally really beauty were now in a mess of knots and her clothes were all crumpled. This fucking girl was me.I was the sight of horrow. Literally. I qucikly went to the sink removing all of my makeup and doing face-wash. Then I jumped in the bath tub and got a nice and long hot shower. When I came out, I was feeling a whole lot fresher, but the pain was excuriating.

I opened my closet and found an outfit. It was a red shirt with black stripes on it and I paired it with blue skinny jeans. I let my hair loose, wore a charm bracelet, a necklace, red lipstick and went downstairs. It felt as if everyone had gotten drunk because then only person on the table was Cole. Well, obviously he was the oldest, so it was his job to not get too drunk.

" Morning! " he said cheerfully.

" How can you be so happy-go-lucky? " I groaned, as I sat down, and banged my head on the table.

" How can you not be so happy-go-lucky? "

" My head fucking hurts. It feels as if someone has put some thumb pins in my head! "

" That's what you get for being so drunk. " he said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the table. I really needed some rest. Extra rest. I opened the medicine cabinet and found some pills. I gulped them down with water. 

" By the way, everyone but Chase is sleeping. "

" Chase is awake? " I said amused and surprised, finding it hard to believe that Chase was awake. Oh well, I could go visit him.

" Yeah. " Then he saw my look and laughed. " I don't know how he got up so early. I laughed with him.

" Okay, so I'm gonna go in his room. "

" Aren't you two years older then him? "

" Well, yeah, but what does that- " I trailed of as realization dawned on me." Cole! For gods' sake, I'm not going in his room to get laid! Oh my god. Seriously. "

" Okay, I get it! I was just playing with you. "

" Good. " was all I said before I went upstairs to Chases' room. Okay, it was not an easy task to find Chases' room. As I reached Upstairs, there were three rooms to my left and four rooms to my right. Okay...this was pretty confusing. There was one door which had a different knob. It looked like the type of thing Chase would do, so I walked to the door. Hesitantly, I knocked on the door. There was some noise at the other side of them room, before the door opened.

Holy shit on toast!

It was Zach. It was freaking Zach's room. And not to mention, he looked even hotter when he woke up from his sleep. His hair was all tousled and messy, giving him a sexy yet cute look. His blue eyes, were a warm soft colour and his confused face was just too much.

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