(5) Unleashed

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(A/N: Bold text indicates John's black speech bubble when he is angered.)

Chapter Five:

(John's Perspective)

The very moment I step into the crowded hallway crammed with students around the bulletin board, nearly everyone freezes on the spot. All eyes fall on me.

One of them points to me in suprise. What, do they really think I can't see them? "L–Look, There he is!

A gasp follows. "Eek... so it really is true! I thought it had been photoshopped or something." Another one cries. "Look, his eyes!"

"But it doesn't make sense, why would he pretend to be a cripple?..."

"It's hard to believe that he beat Arlo! Doesn't that mean he's King now...?" Do these people think I'm deaf or something? I'm only standing a couple feet away...

"I can believe it... didn't you see him kick Isen's ass? What a monster."

I wince at the word 'monster'. My reaction seems to be mistaken for anger, as they quickly fall silent in horror.

"Shh, he can hear us!" One frantically whispers. "What if he gets mad!"

"We picked on him a lot, obviously he's already mad!" Another reminds them.

Ignoring the gossip and chain of whispers spreading like wildfire, I stride through the crowd. Without a second to spare, the students instantly part, a clear path forming for me to pass through with ease. Tch, what a bunch of mindless sheep. They'll suck up to anyone if it guarantees their safety.

All worthless trash.

My poisonous gaze falls on one of the female bystanders. Much to her fear, I roughly grasp her by the collar, earning an 'Eep' of surprise from her. Anyone who had been nearby staggered backwards in fear of being close to me.

With an icy gaze, I demand, "Where is Cecile?"

"Eh?" Confusion and fear overwhelm the girl as she seems to not have fully registered my question in her tiny brain. "U–Uh, C... Cecile is–"

"Spit it out already!" I snap impatiently. I don't have time for this girl's useless rambling. Cecile is going to pay.

The girl winces in terror. "S–She should be in the student c–council room, sir!" She quickly stammers out. I drop her to the floor with a 'Tch,' as I make my way through the terrified onlookers, all afraid to even say a word. I hear hushed footsteps behind me, her friends rushing to her side.

"Are you okay?!" Asks a worried student.

"Y–Yeah..." She replies, her voice still shaken up.

"That was scary..."

"I know, what a creep!"

I stop and turn around. My glare shuts them right up as they freeze like deer in headlights. Feeling a little satisfied, I return to finding the student council room.


**In the Infirmary**

(3rd Perspective)

After John left, everyone had been unsure of what to do. Remi exchanged worries glances with the others. "Er, shouldn't we like, go after him or something?"

"If even Arlo couldn't stop him, how the hell do you expect us to?" Isen inquires humorlessly with a frown. "That guy is a monster."

Isen's words strike a raw nerve in Seraphina. "John isn't a monster." She defends, snapping at the boy. Everyone looks at her in surprise. Her face softens as she reminisces about all the wonderful memories she shares with John. "John is a lot of things, but he's not a monster."

Isen snorts. "You're kidding, right? Have you seen him?"

"Yes, I have." Seraphina counters in irritation. Sure, John is insanely strong, but they have no right to be treating him like some beast!Subconsciously, she activates her ability by habit and freezes Isen's body so that he can't move. The sight of her glowing blue eyes surprises the onlookers.

"S–Seraphina, your ability!" Remi says in ecstasy. "It's back!"

Seraphina pauses in realization. "Y–You're right...!" She tests herself by reversing her injuries. When they heal completely and prove that she has indeed regained her power, a wave of relief washes over her at not having to live powerless anymore.

"Hmm, so the effects are temporary." Arlo observes with interest. "2 weeks long, to be precise."

Elaine scrambles over to the girl and pulls her into a hug. "Thank goodness!" She cries. "I was worried you'd always be a cripple!"

"Elaine..." A smile appears upon Seraphina's face.

"Seraphina, now that you have your ability back, maybe you can stop John...!" Remi suggests. "You're stronger than all of us."

Her eyes widen as if she had forgotten. "That's right!" She says in determination. "I need to try and stop him." While true that she had no idea what John's level is, she is a god tier!

Seraphina has never met anyone in her life stronger than her. She didn't really like the idea of having to stop him by force, but did she really have a choice? If she didn't, she may have to attend Cecile's funeral!

"Want me to go with you?" Remi asks with worried eyes.

"No thanks," The Ace refuses with a shake of her head. "I need to handle this myself."

"Careful," Warns Arlo, knowing that Seraphina was oblivious to what John's ability truly is. "If you underestimate him, you'll severely regret it."

Seraphina didn't exactly understand what the blond was so worried about. Sure, John is crazy strong, but his ability would be useless if she could just freeze him. After observing his fight, she had figured his ability was just to create massive explosions and heal himself. The preposterous idea that he could, in actuality, mimic any ability didn't even cross her mind.

Not taking his warning very seriously, she cockily smiles. John may not be the cripple she thought he was, but he was still John. She's always been able to get though to the boy. Now should be no different.

"I've known John for a while now, I know how he works." Seraphina persists feeling rather confident. "If anyone can stop him, it's me."

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