Chapter Five

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Spot awoke with an itch on his back. He reached to scratch it, and his rag of a blanket twisted off. The air hit him like a hammer and it was quite chilly. He stumbled from his tent and opened one eye. The fire was out. He looked over to David's tent and saw that it was already open. He had been gone early, probably out hunting. Spot stretched and felt the stiff part in his arm from yesterday's battle with the bandit and his shoulder, bandaged nicely. It would heal into quite an impressive scar for sure. He smiled. If his father had only known that he, Prince Evan of Brookville, nearly took out the great Sir David Jacobs. He could not remember the last time he had a real adventure like that and met thieves and nearly got killed...and rescued a lovely maiden. A feisty one at that. He flexed his head a bit, thinking about her. He had never seen that shade of brown in any girl's eyes before, and he could not help but stare the day before.

"Lord, I must have looked like the village idiot there," he muttered to himself, "grinning and staring as if I'd never seen a girl before."

And yet he fought the duel without a thought just to impress her. Spot yawned and shivered. He remembered the fire. He was wide awake now and might as well get some more wood.

The path was worn, as if someone else had already taken it, but then it was an easier walk for the Prince carrying an armload of branches and various twigs. He had been watching the ground for wood for so long that when he looked up, he was surprised to find himself lost. Spot swore under his breath.

He looked around a bit, hoping for some recognition somewhere, but there was none. Suddenly he heard the sound of water rushing...there was a waterfall by the camp. He thought for a bit and yes, there was a waterfall. Sir David had decided to stop there last night because of running water.

With firewood still in his arms, Spot walked towards the slight sound of running water until it was almost roaring. However, underneath the sound of water was something else. At first, he thought it was a bird. No, it was not a bird for he heard words. It was singing. Someone was singing, and it was beautiful and soothing. The Prince was hypnotized. He almost floated towards the singing, carelessly wandering off the path. He could see the waterfall now, but no sign of the owner of the voice. He was about to get a bit closer to the edge when a vine snagged his ankle, and he stumbled. He caught him from falling, but his armful of firewood crashed to the ground.

Then, he heard the familiar shriek.

Spot whirled towards the noise, and he saw the girl, Luna, in one corner of the water. It took him a while to figure out what she was screaming about. She quickly turned her back towards him, waist deep in the water, with her arms over herself, and he realized she was naked.

The young prince twisted around, his hands over his eyes. He could feel his face turning scarlet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I didn't see anything!" he stammered towards her, but amiss the water splashing, not much else was heard.

"Don't you dare come any closer! Get away! Get away!!" Luna shouted at him, clothes in hand while trying to find a place to hide behind. And so, the Prince Evan ran.


"What were you doing there anyhow?" Francis asked, not able to stifle his laughter.

"I was not aware that she was bathing!" Evan exclaimed. "I did not even know she was up yet! I was getting firewood!"

"Well, did you get a good look at least?" The young lord smirked.

"She was beau..." the Prince was in a daze before he caught himself. "I only saw her backside!"

"That nice, huh?" And Francis was rolling on the floor. The Prince only got to a brighter shade of red.

The flap of the tent flew open. Race walked in, a bit frustrated. He had his sword in hand and raised it wearily.

"I suppose," he began in a groggy manner, "that I am going to kill you now so that I may restore my sister's honor, but I'm not much up to it this early in the morning. Would you like to reschedule sometime later?"

Spot poked Jack to keep him from snickering and said solemnly, "Look, it was an accident. If it helps, I am sorry. I did not see anything, but by God! Her screaming nearly knocked me out anyway."

"Have you apologized to her yet?" asked Jack. "You ought to."

"I...I did, but I do not think she was listening."

"Maybe," Race put away his sword, "you should go talk to her. I just really want to go back to sleep."

Spot looked at the two and looked out to Luna's tent and sighed. He did not think he could ever face her again, and now he had to talk to her.

"Good luck, my friend," And Francis laughed again.


"If I were home", Princess Annabelle thought, "I could have taken a fine bath without some peeping tom. How dare he!" She pulled another shirt on amidst the coldness and wondered why no one had gotten any firewood.


Annabelle turned around, and the peeping tom, Spot, stepped into the tent. He blushed and cleared his throat but said nothing. They stared pass each other for a minute or so. He nervously brushed his hair from his face and cleared his throat again.

"You've..umm..." He started and reached over towards her. She backed away quickly. He hastily stepped back and left his arms at his side. "You've got a little bug on your hair."

This time, Annabelle stood still, and Spot once again approached her. He picked off a ladybug and let it fly off his hand. He quickly returned to his place and tried to speak again.

"Luna, I apologize." Spot sighed. "I was getting firewood and got lost and heard you singing and it was so lovely and...and well, I did not mean to see anything. I did not see anything."

He did not blush this time and waited for her reply. Luna tried not to smile, but he liked her singing. She tried to look stern, but his large, bright eyes completely distracted her.

"Apology accepted," she finally whispered, and added slowly, "and...and thank you for the compliment."

"I must be going now." Spot grinned a bit. "Your brother is trying to kill me."

"-Who's trying to kill who?"

The two turned, and it was David that uttered the question. He stood at the entrance of the tent, fresh from hunting and had missed everything.

Luna and Spot exchanged glances. "No one. Nothing." They said in unity.

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