Chapter Nine

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It was late in the afternoon and the journey was getting rough and more treacherous. Passing by wild trees, rocky barriers and rolling hills, it seemed impossible to know the path back to Lunerford . However, everyone was convinced Sir David knew the way. They had to trust his judgments without question.

Princess Annabelle could feel the sharp rocks tearing through the thin fabric of her shoes. She tried to ignore the pain throughout the day's journey as she did not wish to burden the others. However, the moment she stubbed her toe on a rock, nearly tripping over it, she could no longer withhold her discomfort. "Do we have to walk through these bloody rock paths? These dreaded pebbles are stabbing at my feet!" She sighed, mumbling to herself, "If only I had my carriage..." She continued on a series of complaints until Race had about enough of it.

"Oh will you pipe down, Luna", Race snapped, equally annoyed by the path but more annoyed by her whining. "Better to have pebbles at your feet than bandits poking at you." He could not believe she still expected to be spoiled in the wilds of the forest. He took advantage of their false identities and mocked, "So will her Highness shut up for once!" Luna glared at the young squire and grumbled to herself. She could not wait to give Race a good whipping when they would return to Lunerford.

Spot could not help but chime in. "She has a point there." He cringed at the sharp pain shooting through his feet. He regretted selling off his royal boots for peasantry rags. He glared at David, "Could you have chosen a more difficult path?" Sir David rolled his eyes and continued on, ignoring the the whining and bickering. All he wanted to do was get the Princess back home safely.

However, one path in particular made Luna stop in her tracks. "I am not going to cross that! That is out of the question!" She stood horrified at the sight of a long, large tree trunk stretched across a canyon, with the violent river rushing below. The others were headed to walk across with no worry but they could not leave the girl behind. Luna spat, "Heights terrify me! How dare you expect a lady to get across like that!"

Sir David walked back to the Princess and sighed. "It is not dangerous I assure you. We cannot take the other path around. There is a village of criminals stood amongst those woods. We do not need them to disturb our journey." He turned around and walked across the log with little effort. The Princess was not convinced.

He called out from the other side. "See? It's quite simple milady!"

"Easy for you to say." She uttered under her breath as she remained standing still with her heart pounding. She thought she was on the verge of passing out.

Without hesitation, Race walked across the path with ease. "Oh come now! It is not so bad." He gave her a smug grin.

Luna rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Of course, she thought, Race used to climb trees back at her Kingdom. This could not be any different for him walking on a trunk. Jack also took on after him. The only one left was Spot. It was up to him to get her across. On the other side, David stood weary, realizing he left the Princess in possible danger. He panicked and called out. "Luna, I am going over there and carrying you over!"

"No!" The Princess snapped but she still would not move. "I.. got this. I think..." She took a deep breath, trying her best to gather up the courage to walk across. She was to be Queen one day and it was an opportunity to prove to herself that she was brave enough to rule her kingdom. It was not going to be easy but she she was not going to give up. She glanced at Spot for some encouragement.

Spot called out to David. "She can do it!" He turned back to Luna and extended his hand to her, "It's alright, Luna." He grinned, "Just take my hand and I will lead you across. Trust me." She looked into his eyes, biting her lip. He smiled at her and added, "Think of it as a wooden bridge and we're taking an afternoon stroll. Pay no attention to what is below."

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