Chapter Thirteen

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It was cold, dark and damp inside the dungeons of Morris' manor. David and Race were locked up in a cell and their feet and wrists were bounded by chains to the floor. It only gave them enough room to stand but it was hopeless for them to escape. The only light that illuminated the cell was from the sunlight, peeking through a tiny window blocked by iron bars. The two prisoners stood quiet and worried about the others who will be soon in the hands of Morris and his henchmen. David informed Race about Morris' mission to kill the Princess. Race could not say a word.

"I have failed Her Highness." David said.

"You did all you can, Sir David." Race finally said, "We can only pray that they will be alright. There's nothing we can do now. The Princess may seem fragile and vulnerable, but she is strong. I know her. She will return home safe."

"If only I warned her about this before..." David thought about Jack and Spot, "Do you think those two peasant lads set her up at all?"

"They fought off the gang back at Yorkridge, but they took off. I haven't seen where they went."

"If they are a part of Morris' men, they must have captured the Princess at this moment. I'm not there to protect her anymore."

"No," Race said, "It's impossible. I see how Spot looks at her. He cannot possibly wish any harm upon her." With a pause, he remembered his night with one of the bandit girls. Kite. Yes, that was her name. He promised her to take her back to Lunerford with him and work with the horses. He could only hope he would get out of this alive.

"Maybe you are right." David said, "It's difficult to figure them out."

Suddenly the cell doors opened and Morris and his brother, Oscar, walked in.

"Enjoying your stay, lads?" Morris asked in mockery. David and Race glared at them.

Race scrunched his nose at the two evil bandits and replied, "Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma?" David could not help but grin for a moment. Morris and Oscar scowled but ignored the squire for he was about to meet his fate.

"I am going to ask you again." Morris turned to David, "Where have you taken the Princess?"

David's eyes grew cold and he stood stern. He replied, "She fled from the forests. I doubt you will be able to find her."

"We will see about that. I have sent some of my men to track her down."

"And there will be nothing you or Sir Mush can do about it." Oscar added.

"There will be indeed a reward for you if you help us find her." Morris said.

"I would rather die," David said.

"That could be arranged." Morris said as he headed out the cell. Oscar followed after him and locked the cell door. He looked at them through the small opening and gave an evil smirk as he held the keys up, swinging them back and forth to badger them.

"What do you think they are going to do to us?" Race whispered with a hint of fright in his voice.

"I don't know. We would just have to pray for a miracle."


Luna, Mush and the bandits were headed closer to Lunerford and hoped to reach Morris' manor on time. The wagons halted on the path as Mush began to devise their plan to help David and Race escape. Luna stood behind the crowded bandits, but did not bother to listen for she was thinking about Spot again and hoping that he was still alive. She quietly crept away from the crowd and slipped past the trees. She walked down the small hill and stood against a large oak as she gazed at a far distance. She has lost the track of time and did not worry if the others were looking for her. It seemed as though only a second has gone by but it was really quite a longer while. Suddenly, a hand clasped over her mouth and in a panic, she bit down hard on it but then she heard a familiar cry.

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