Chapter Sixteen

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Princess Annabelle finally parted from her peasantry rags and refreshed out of her warm bath. It was good to be home indeed. However, looking at her rags put away at the side of her room, they reminded her adventures, new friends, and of course, her love. She sat in her robe and with her maidens attending her, she could not think about anything else.

"You know, it is wonderful that you are back." Raven said brushing the Princess' long, dark hair. "Sir Tobias was right. Everyone was saddened when they found out you were gone."

"I did not know you two were in love." Annabelle grinned, "Does his family know?"

"Yes," the servant girl said, "They welcomed me warmly into their home. When I first met him, right away he saw me more than just a servant. I fell in love with him immediately."

The Princess knew it all too well. She was a Princess in love with a peasant. Before she met Spot, she dared not to think of such things. She knew it would be difficult for her to get back to her life of royalty.

"He proposed to me and of course, I said yes." Raven added as she smiled happily.

"That's wonderful, Raven. I am truly happy for you. You are fortunate you are able to marry for love not for a kingdom..." Raven looked at the mirror and saw the hurt in the Princess' eyes.

"What is the matter, Your Highness?" She asked, but she had an idea about what was bothering her.

"Oh, nothing, of course." The Princess answered coldly.

"It is the ceremony in a couple of days is it not? I really wish there was another way."

"Imagine having to marry someone whom you are not in love with, or even whose face you have never seen."

"Are you in love with someone?" Raven asked in curiosity.

"Yes. He had the most radiant eyes, and he was so kind, valiant, and gentle. It was certain he loved me for who I was, not for what I was. He was very proper and generous... for a peasant..."

"...a peasant?" Raven stood astonished as she dropped the brush. "Did you tell him who you really were?"

"I didn't have the heart to..."

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it is impossible. You cannot escape what your father has arranged for you. It is best for you to forget all about the peasant boy. You are to be Queen someday."

"But Raven, he was not just a peasant boy. We were in love." The Princess let out a deep sigh. "But I understand. It is for the good of the kingdom. I have been born into this and it is what I must be obligated to do. Besides, I am never going to see him again. He probably has forgotten all about me."

Raven sighed and Annabelle thought and thought if there was some way around this. She finally realized there was no escaping it. If she was to wed the Prince of Brookville, she promised herself not to forget about Spot or the adventures she had with him. It was for her Kingdom anyway, and if it was worth dying for, she realized it was the only way to fulfill what she wanted for the good of her people. That evil Morris obviously knew something great would come out of it if she was to become Queen, otherwise there would not be a reason for trying to assassinate her. The days until the ceremony were growing near and it was time for her to make that choice.


"You have disobeyed me far too many times, Evan!" King Charles fumed at the young Prince standing before him. The sun was rising when Prince Evan arrived back in his Kingdom of Brookville and he could not stand to hear what his father had to say to him. He knew he was to get a scolding from him, but it did not matter any longer for he had something else on his mind.

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