Chapter Seven

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Spot and Jack were late. It was at least one or two in the afternoon, and they were still not at the little town square. Race stopped pacing and dropped his heavy bags onto the ground. He had little patience and he was hungry. Luna did not seem to care much, but David could not stand it any longer either.

"Look, I can go find them." David said. He put down his bags. "You stay here and watch the supplies. I will return in an hour at most so do not go off elsewhere either. We have already lost two."

And with that, the thief left towards the tavern. He was sure he would find the boys there. He had seen the looks on their faces that morning, and chances are, they were dead drunk by now. He sighed with exasperation. Those two did not seem to get out much. He entered the tavern and paused to let his eyes adjust. It was relatively full, but there was no sign of Spot or Jack anywhere. Perhaps the bartender had seen them, he thought, and he was headed towards the counter when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"David, what are you doing here?"

The thief turned around and smiled. "Myers, what have you been up to?"

Mush took a swig of beer from his half-empty mug and gestured to a nearby chair. "Pull up a seat, old friend! Come, drink with me and let's have a talk. It's been ages!"

David shook his head but sat down anyway. It had been almost three months since he last saw Mush in Lunerford. It was quite a coincidence that he should be here after all that time.

"So," Mush said, belching a bit, "what are you doing in this part of the country? There's no money to be made here, David."

David scratch the side of his head, a bit embarrassed. "I, um...I am under a bit of an obligation right now."

"You got caught, huh? Are they going to string you?" Mush grinned. "Let me know when and where and maybe I will help you out a bit."

"The deal is that I take them to Lunerford, and I am free to go. You know how I cannot back out of my words."

"Who was it this time? William of Hearst?"

David reddened. "Two peasant lads with ropes and swords out of nowhere, and right in the middle of a raid. My gang had just hit this camp down by Queensridge..."

"Queensridge?" Mush interrupted. It sounded familiar, as if he had been there recently. Then the thought hit him. Hard. "Was it...", he swallowed, "a girl and another lad?"

"Yes." David paused. "How did you know that?"

Mush ignored the question. "The girl...she had dark hair. Really big brown eyes and about this tall?"

David nodded, and Mush swore. He took another swig of beer and swallowed it slowly. What were the chances...?

"Do you realize who she is?" Mush asked slowly.

"Luna, a coatmaker's daughter from Coneyland visiting her aunt?" David was confused.

Mush leaned in close, and breathing hard, he whispered, "She is none other than Annabelle of the House of Morgan."

David's jaw dropped. "The Princess of Lunerford! But how did you...?"

"I was the one who kidnapped her." Mush said solemnly. "I was ordered to kill her."

David could not say a word.

"Look, something big is happening in Lunerford." Mush said, abandoning his drink. "A nobleman named Morris approached me a few weeks ago and offered me the kill her. I almost did it. I later overheard him talking to someone else about an overthrow. Lunerford and Brookville are about to embark on the largest peace treaty ever, possibly resulting in the union of both if not one nation. Someone is trying to break war, David."


"Morris is going to try to kill her. He does not know where she is right now, but I'll bet he has people finding out for him right now." Mush whispered and paused as a barmaid walked by. He continued. "Be careful, David. Once Morris finds out that she is with you, no one can get in his way. Watch for anyone who is getting too close."

"The peasant lads..." David muttered. Now that he thought about it, what were two peasants doing with swords in the middle of the woods anyway? The bright-eyed one obviously knew some technique. That would also explain their odd, secretive behavior at times.

"I can only follow you and safe watch from a distance." Mush said as he placed some coins onto the table. "The girl recognizes me. Take her back to Lunerford, and I'll figure it out there."

With that, Mush Meyers stood up and left the tavern. David could only sit and think about everything that had passed between them. Luna was Princess Annabelle? A barmaid came by to pick up Mush's coins for the beer when he felt two hands on his shoulder. He jumped in his seat.

"Whoa, we did not mean to scare you." Spot said, grinning. "We thought we would find you here. Race and Luna are looking for you."

"Where have you two been?" The thief asked carefully.

The two of them exchanged mischievous glances. "We, lost."

David scanned their faces. They could not be Morris' men, could they?

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