1. singularity.

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Isn't it quite peculiar how we met? How did the constellations align so perfectly, how did the universe favor us so much as to let us be at that exact spot, together, at the same time?

What did I do to deserve anything like that?

The moment I saw you was the moment I knew it was fate. The mere word of coincidence could not do it justice.

You walked toward me with all the confidence in the world, like the laws of gravity could not hold you down. The lights burned brighter to accommodate you. The busy cosmos around you slowed to make you happy, but I should've known that you expected it.

You knew me when our eyes met, and I knew you. It was a mutual understanding of kindred spirits, a match so earth-shattering it scared even me.

But it did not scare me away.

I struggled to get the first words out like I hadn't spoken in ages. You laughed, hypnotizing me with that sound then, and let me melt into your heart and soul and very being.

You let me in little by little, and I should have known better than to feel special, but at the time, it was only natural to feel like this, so surely you must understand. I felt so special to be with you, and I felt so special that you kept me around. When you looked at me, I could see our entire galaxy in your eyes, (oh, how the stars shone so brightly) from the solar system to the milky way.

While the world turned, you protected me from the effects of gravity. You did not let it hinder us, our way to the path we wanted to take. 

It is so peculiar how we were able to find each other in the midst of such chaos. But perhaps it was something more than a peculiarity.

I believe it was a singularity.

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