3. love maze.

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You claimed me when you kissed me. That fire, that passion engulfed everything I had to give and set it ablaze. When I pulled back, I wanted more. More affection, more love, more you. You smiled and pulled me back in, putting your arms around my waist and letting me melt into you again.

I never wanted to let go. Not then, not ever.

You whispered sweet nothings in my ear. You picked flowers for me at the park, pink and yellow and blue mixed together to make a brilliant blend of colors, and you said that reminded you of me, how colorful I was.

You made me feel loved, something I hadn't even known or felt until then.

"We'll be together for a while, won't we?" you said. I was confused at that, of course. Together? Was there even a together?

I thought about you a lot after that, more than I had before. The things you said to me were glazed in dripping honey, and I was victim to that sweetness, but not unlike everyone else that listened to you for lengths at a time.

Colors were more vivid when you were around. Your cheeks became rosier, your aura brighter.

The leaves falling around us, the pastel blossoms falling onto your hair felt slower than it should have been as if time gave me the privilege of being with you for even a minute longer.

I looked at you one day, a moment when you were unaware of your own beauty. You were studying a pair of birds at a park bench with such intense scrutiny that I almost had to laugh, but I held it back in fear of disturbing you. You turned to me after they flew away, a childish grin on your face.

"Weren't they the cutest things?" you asked, grabbing hold of my hands.

"Quite," I replied, giving you a kiss. "But not as cute as you." You took my chin in your hand, and let me go just as fast. I ached for your touch after that, but said nothing, in fear of looking needy.

And in a way, I was.

You trapped me in a love maze, and I have not yet found a way out. 

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