Will Greene.

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There it was. There they were. Aletheia left in an instant and almost skipped back. More because she had no clue how to react. The car began and she rushed home. Changing into a black romper that was fitting for the hot weather. It was as tight as the rest of her clothes and the cleavage was a little more on the revealing side. Black sandals kept her toes free as she climbed back into her car and a letter was held in her hand. The paper had been rushed as she changed at the same time. A smile was wide on her face. She shouldn't have been as happy as she was but perhaps that was a hint to show how unhappy she was. The walk to her floor was exceptional as she let the rooms surround her.

"You look happy. It makes your eyes really pop." The two green crystals shone as she let a smile and thanks slip out. Her walk was a freeing one. Everyone who saw her saw the happiness she radiated. the sun was bright, almost as bright as her eyes and the large sunglasses in her hand as she walked up to the receptionist for the two owners.

"I would like to see Laura. It will only take a second. I can't wait." The woman gave a curt nod and got onto the phone. The woman spoke barely a word and Aletheia met eyes with the woman of the hour. She had long grey hair but she had physically aged before her time. Mentally, she was with it all the way. More so than most young adults. Not a word passed the receptionist's lips as the glass door was opened by the woman and in Aletheia went.

"How can I help you?" The envelope was put down and it was read. It didn't matter how close the two were it had to happen. If not at that very moment it may have not happened for another week.

"That is my resignation. I know I am on a four-year program, I was also fast-tracked so I am on my last year but I don't care. I have been offered many better internships and I am more than willing to listen to your word on the matter but it is happening." For that moment the room was completely silent. Aletheia was a woman who was direct. She saw no reason to beat about any metaphorical sorts of bushes.

"What has stirred such a change? I am well aware that my other half has been the one to push you to stay." With that question, the day came crumbling down around Aletheia and the joy she had forced herself to feel and show was lost. The blinds were closed by Laura and a tissue was pulled out from the box on the desk. A single tear had fallen but eyes were bright red.

"I am sure you are well aware of what Will has been up to for the past few months. Even so, if you do not it is not my place to say, I will tell you it involves Alison. Just in case her oh so powerful husband gets involved. I have not told Will I know what he has been up to though he will find out, I'm fucking making sure of that. His life is going to be hell. I have been given a multitude of offers and Borden Ladner Gervais LLP have given me an offer. I will be able to pick up as a first-year. No sort of internship. I will be given the job as my own lawyer. No manager and no Miah. I do hope she does well just not anywhere that is of any relevance. Perhaps planning. Much to my surprise, I will actually be in charge of my own interns. I can work cases alone. I'm not asking you to compete because you are kind and even if you did, which I know you will not, even if you did offer me a part of the partnership I would turn you down. I do not want to work here anymore." Those words had not left much more to be said. With that, all done with the pair stood and shook hands. It was sad to say goodbye as they had been a pair of good friends but it was time.

When they left the room, unexpectedly, a hug was initiated and they hugged it out for a second before letting go. Will turned up at that moment and Alison was just behind him and she headed off to her own office to work. Aletheia left and avoided Will. All she muttered was 'Lemon Lounge' and his face was a shade of red. He had been there. He had been there the whole time with Alison. After that, off Aletheia went to pack her things. Not far off it could be heard as she told Miah to 'kindly fuck off' and a few words about rotting in a pit of actual work not leeching off of other people.

"Would you like to tell me why I had to deal with our best employee handing in her own resignation this morning? She was the best we had. In two months she was due to be the next partner. You and I both know that. Will, you just had to keep it in your own pants. I am aware of the fact that you attended your very privileged university with Alison but you and she were in relationships. I am also aware of the fact that Aletheia is not wearing the ring you bought her. Engaged for a week, if you loved her you would leave Alison and if you loved Alison you would leave Aletheia. Now, what do we do? I have put my neck on the line for you and this is the thanks you give me. She was heartbroken. I have watched as people have torn her to shreds and then she sat and ate chocolate. No crying, I was crying for her but she was fine. Today, she cried. She was nineteen when the pair of you started. Short of two years, you two have been together. I am heartbroken for her. She is like my own daughter. You went too far, not just that but I found out only today you have been in a physical relationship for weeks if not even more with the mayor's wife. They have two kids. We started Augusta and Greene to be the people we needed. You, alone, have been the person responsible for bringing us from the top firm to the thirteenth. Don't do this. I can't deal with it anymore. Our reputation can't handle it." The two stood and still in the silence, Will wouldn't say anything so at that Laura left him all alone.

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