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Hello, I started this story back in 2019 after getting a spark of an idea late one night. Originally I didn't have a set plan with this story and was just writing for the fun of loving the character Frankie.

2021 update, finally came up with a set storyline. Chapters and parts may seem confusing at times, but just know it will all make sense by the end. New story lines will be created and there will be twists and turns. You will most likely feel and experience uncertainty as well as the characters do.

I am still in the process of writing this story and have all of my ideas in place and in order. It's just a matter of getting to the actual writing and publishing of the chapter. Still plenty more to look forward to. I am on a journey with this and thank you guys for coming along!

(Also, the number at the top of every flashback is Frankie's age. I am doing this because there are a lot of flashbacks and Frankie is many ages throughout these. When the story returns to the present, Frankie's age is always 11 so I'm not going to put that on of every chapter. Hopefully this makes it less confusing for readers.)

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