1. 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲

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Stef's POV

I walked into Frankie's bedroom. It was mid morning and this kid could easily sleep until well after 2:00. She was nearing her teenage years. It was understandable. I used to be just like her.

"Stephanie, wake up!" No movement from the kid.

"Stephanie!" I yelled a bit louder as I continued to shake her.

I swear she was six feet under the covers. My question was how she could even breath under there and not suffocate.

"I know you can hear me Stef. Please honey."

She stirred.

Well at least it was something.

"Mhhm." She mumbled.

"Time to get up."

I then saw her peak out from underneath.

"Ma, it's not even 3:00 p.m. yet." She said as she began rubbing the sheet against her lower lip.

"See, that's the thing Stefanie, it's almost 3:00."

"Cool." She grumbled. "And stop calling me Stephanie."

I took a deep breath in as I sat down on the edge of her bed. Her eyes avoided mine.

"But that's what it says on your birth certificate, doesn't it?"

She suddenly sat up in her bed, her wild long blond hair following her. It was all over the place, not to mention how static it was. I just had to laugh. It was so fun when she would let me brush it. That is when she was little. She was already 16 and more stubborn than an ass. Wonder who she got that from.

I reached over and began to gently stroke her hair. I was surprised she didn't kill me for it. If I got too close to that kid, she would flip.

"Stef, baby talk to me." I said calmly as she still hadn't responded.

I could tell she was contemplating in her head as she slowly looked up at me. It was then when I saw her beautiful hazel green eyes. And those long eyelashes.

"There's nothing to talk about." She said as her eyes diverted back to looking down.

I continued to run my fingers through her hair.

"Really love? Then explain to me why you don't want to be around me lately. Why your distant. Not just from me, but everybody. And your dad-"

"Dads never around!" She yelled, her voice rising with each word. She then shoved my hand away from her face.

"That's why I want to talk to you. Tell me what's on your mind." I said trying to get something out of her.

"Just leave me the fuck alone!"

"Watch your language with me!" I snapped.

"Fuck you!"

Her face said it all. I could see the sadness. She was hiding so much behind those eyes. Buried under all those layers she built up around herself.

I sighed as I stood up.

"Stephanie, I'm really trying here." I said irritated.

"If you were really trying, we wouldn't be living in this hell hole. And I told you call me Stef. Geesh, I swear you were born with earplugs in or something." She said as she rolled her eyes before plopping her head back down onto the pillow.

𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲Where stories live. Discover now